14. Britain

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Looks sheepishly. Sorry if Disappeared for a while, I've been busy😅😭


Britain felt like a ton of bricks was sitting on his chest.

Britain was currently lying under Alex's large frame. It'd been 18 hours since she'd last been awake. Or at least he thought so, cause the last time he'd checked, he was on the couch with her in the other room, but here she was, magically laying on him again.

But Britain didn't blame her, she hadn't slept in the several days prior to this one. Alex was still softly snoring, looking quite content, now that Britain was with her.

But she wouldn't let him move.

It was like she still held him in a vice grip while she slept, and every time he attempted to free himself, he received a much tighter grip. It was like her arms were muscle laden shackles. Britain studied her arms.

Though she hadn't taken care of herself in a week, her arms still displayed well earned muscle, her tattoos making them look even more intimidating. Her face was even more intimidating. Even when she slept, Alex had a natural mean mug. Like she'd break your nose while she continued to sleep peacefully.

Britain continued to try and free himself, knowing that she'd be hungry when she woke up. He finally managed to free himself from her iron grip, slowly easing his way, towards the bathroom.

As he brushed his teeth, he didn't notice Alex stirring and waking up. When he spit out his toothpaste, he looked up to find a sleepy Alex standing behind him.

"Why'd you leave?"

"Because I'm hungry, and I know you definitely are. Now here, brush your teeth".

Alex grabbed the toothbrush and started brushing away at her white teeth. As she brushed, Britain took in the rest of her features.

She'd really been working out. Her body, while still big, was way more cut and defined, despite her little 7 day episode. Her arms involuntarily flexed as she continued to brush her teeth.

Alex spit out her toothpaste and looked at Britain expectantly , her desire being to go into the other other room, an implication to which Britain complied, allowing himself to be essentially dragged to the next room, though he was still kinda annoyed. He was still upset with her, but he'd decided to talk to her in a little while.


Alex hated waiting.

They were currently waiting for the food they'd ordered to get here, neither of them feeling like going to the store. They just sat there waiting, her stomach growling against Britain's back every 2 minutes. Speaking of him, she was kinda scared to even talk to him. And she wondered why was afraid. She hadn't been afraid of anyone in 7 years.

Alex was well aware that Britain was still mad at her, his non responsive attitude being a clear indication of that. His demeanor was rather distant, not engaging with Alex as she sat with her arms around his torso. He'd been repeatedly disregarding her advances, swatting away her grabby hands and mushing her face whenever she tried to sneak a kiss.

"Alex, we still have to talk. And I'm still mad you".

"I know".

"Alex why would you yell at me like that. What did I do wrong? I wanted to help you. And all you did was make fun of me and kick me out! Why?!"

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