5. Britain

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Britain pressed the bear Alex had given him to his chest, toggling between an emotional high and the sleep that wanted to make him surrender to the blankets and pillows beneath him.

But he couldn't give in, not yet at least. Tonight was so unexpected, and the fact that this wasn't a fantasy probably contributed to why he wasn't ready to close his eyes.

He was afraid it might all be a cruel dream.

Britain laid around his dorm all day, alternating between read the Word and playing Call of Duty, trying to reflect upon and contemplate the new phenomenon, a 'relationship', and see what would happen and what he'd do.


Alex was bored and lonely. She was usually solitary, but the one person she wanted to be around wasn't there. Alex smacked herself in the forehead, cursing herself because she'd never even gotten Britain's number. She then decided that she was tired of waiting and boredom. She trudged out of bed and made her way to Britain's dorm.....

Alex knocked on the door and was soon greeted with a slightly younger male, his face filled with a rather bland look. Man, Alex really wished she could figure out what hr was thinking about in there.

"Hey B"


Alex was amused at the blush on his face, the response becoming a tell tale sigh that beneath that bland look was thoughts about her.

"Can I come in?"

She watched as he shifted uncomfortably, finally moving aside and letting her walk in. Alex took in Britain's room. It wasn't messy, but it was really disorganized. Papers were strewn everywhere, and he had a ton of books, some in a case and others carelessly left on the floor. His clothes were in a piles situated in the corner of the room piled high after not having been done. She then took in Britain's TV and PlayStation, a game of Call of Duty on pause.

She perked up when she saw it because she had one too, she just hadn't cared to unpack it.

"You play Zombies?"

"Yeah but I only have one controller", he said sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back".

Alex went to get her game and TV, after which they spent the whole day playing and enjoying themselves. After a while Alex finally decided to address the previous night.

"So, did you enjoy the other night".

"It was good".

"I noticed you grabbed my hand. I didn't think you'd do that."

"Yea, but"-

"But what?"

"Alex I really do like you. You're prett-, gorgeo-, you're attractive okay!?And you make me feel wanted. But I'm new to this. This is the first time this has happened to me, I mean I've seen it before but-

As Britain began to ramble on, she was trying to piece something together, but she couldn't put a name to it. His behavior and mannerisms were off, not it a bad way, but they raised questions that had to be addressed. She ended her thinking by finally interrupting him.

"Understandable. I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. We can go at your pace. I won't force you to do things you don't want to. I care to much about you B. Plus this way we can get to know each other better. Ok?"

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