I was realizing that I really hadn't had a break in a while. The last time something hadn't gone wrong and stayed wrong for a while was when Dennis was still alive. After that Chikaltio showed up and not long after that the Winchesters.

I deserved a break, I realized, a smile growing on my lips. However, I knew I wasn't going to get one anytime soon.

I sat up and grabbed my pack, slinging it over my shoulder and leaving the room. After checking out and returning my key I was off once more, slipping back down the highway and trudging along until I was far enough from town that I could shift.

My shifting was still rocky - sometimes it would take a few tries. Eventually, though, I would get it. I relished the feeling of my bones cracking, a sensation that had long lost its unpleasantness. To feel the wind in my thick fur after weeks of being unable to... it was really something else.

I still wasn't entirely comfortable in my fur, at least not around people. However, the fact that I was able to rein it in with the grizzly... it was a step in the right direction, and I was slowly building confidence.

I huffed and shook my furred head, letting my ears fall flat against my skull. I couldn't help but pout - maybe I did make the wrong decision by leaving? It was the right decision for me, but was it the right decision for the boys? Dean had every right to be angry with me.

I plodded along, mixing my slow and heavy steps with heartened trotting. Sometimes my mind would fall on something that made me pause and slow to think about it.

I had a feeling that when I saw the Winchesters again Dean was not going to be happy. I knew he wasn't always... the best at dealing with disappointment. I wondered if he would even listen to what I had to say.

I didn't really want to think about that. Steeling myself, I dropped those thoughts and once more ran briskly along the edge of the road towards the brothers.


Although short, the journey was tiresome. I had to pass almost directly through Yellowstone and avoid tourists as best as I could. That was more difficult when I passed through the rolling plains where I could have easily been spotted - I don't think people would have disregarded a wolf with a backpack.

I had to travel around a herd of bison along my way - they look big and cuddly from a distance, but those beasts wouldn't have hesitated to kill me. Plus, they stink. It was well worth the detour.

Now, after half a day of travel, the sun was setting and I was thoroughly exhausted. It was strange how quickly I lost touch with my furred form after just a few weeks. But, hopefully, I would be able to rest easy with the Winchesters tonight, though I wouldn't be surprised if I was told to get my own room. Getting Dean to say yes to a hunt would be hard enough, and I really didn't want to push my luck.

I huffed and dropped my nose to the ground, searching for familiar scents. I doubted I would find any, but it didn't hurt to try. At this time of night, the brothers would likely be at a bar on the outskirts of town.

Upon seeing the welcome sign that coaxed me into the small city and shifted back to my standard two legs and stretched, reaching high above my head. I always felt like my posture was poor after a long trek in my fur like I was consistently hunched over. It wasn't good for my back. I chuckle to myself and dropped my arms, my hands latching around the straps of my backpack.

Oddly enough, my heart felt heavy, like something severe was weighing on me. It was... an odd sensation that I hadn't felt in a very long time - not since my parents were still with me. Oddly enough, it was less of a weighing feeling and more of a tug. The tug itself was heavy, and it felt like it was pulling on a part of me that I didn't want to be released.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now