10 Blood-Curdling American Hauntings That Will Give You the Shivers

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4. The Joshua Ward House

Location: 148 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts

Few things in America conjure up more images of terror than Salem, Massachusetts. This hamlet outside of Boston played house to one of histories most infamous atrocities when several women and men in the town were falsely accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death as a result. Today the town is a tourist beacon as well as a rampant Halloween destination. It's perhaps no surprise that many places in town are reported to be haunted. The Joshua Ward House which functions today as a hotel, was built on the former foundation of the house of Sheriff George Corwin, known as "The Strangler" and famous as one of the most brutal witch hunters in American history. At the time of his death in 1697, he was responsible for 19 deaths and it seems like the spirits aren't too happy with him. Many people have reported being choked in the house by invisible hands and some claim that famous witch hunt victim Giles Corey has been spotted in the house, kicking over furniture.

5. The Lemp Mansion

Location: 3322 Demenil Pl, St. Louis, Missouri.

Like many hauntings, this one begins with a story of tragedy. The Lemp Mansion was built in the mid 19th century by Jacob Feickhert for William and Julia Lemp. The family owned Lemp Brewery and lived in the house until disaster struck. Three years after the death of William Lemp's son in 1901, the patriarch shot himself in his bedroom. Three more family members would go on to take their own lives within the mansion's walls over the years. Since then the house has been said to be haunted by spirits of the family. Today, Lemp Mansion is a restaurant and inn and staff and customers alike often report strange happenings in the house. From doors that lock and unlock on their own, to the piano in the bar that seemingly plays by itself, the Lemp mansion haunting has become so notorious it was even included in Life Magazine's list of the ten most haunted houses in America.

6. The LaLaurie House

Location: 1140 Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Marie Delphine LaLaurie was socialite of Creole descent in 19th century Louisiana and, as history would come to know her, a rampant serial killer. She frequently tortured and murdered her household slaves and was even said to sometimes brush their blood on her skin like an ointment. After a fire broke out in the house, rescuers discovered bound slaves in her attic who showed evidence of cruel and violent treatment. She was apprehended by a mob to be brought to justice but somehow managed to escape with her family. It's rumored she fled to France but for the most part, her fate remains unknown. Her house, which remained an urban ruin for sometime, was eventually remodeled and put to use as a music conservatory, a school, a tenement, a home for juvenile delinquents, a bar, and an apartment building. The house itself is rampant with stories of lingering, angry spirits, looking for vengeance.

7. The Molly Brown House

Location: 1340 Pennsylvania St, Denver, Coloardo.

The Unsinkable Molly Brown became the most famous survivor of the Titanic after she forced her half full lifeboat to return to the scene of the sinking to retrieve more victims. Today her home in Denver, Colorado is said to be haunted. Molly and her husband J.J. have been spotted around the house going about their day-to-day activities. Many workers and guests alike claim to smell pipe smoke and have felt cold spots in Molly's bedroom. An unidentified Victorian female is also said to roam the halls as well as the Brown's daughter Catherine Ellen, who died young, and Molly's mother Johanna Tobin.

8. Franklin Castle

Location: 4308 Franklin Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio.

The historical mansion, also known as the Hannes Tiedemann House, is said to be the most haunted house in Ohio. Over the years it has seen numerous deaths, including Emma Tiedemann who died as an adolescent from diabetes, and Wiebeka Tiedemann who died of heart failure. As many as three children were buried on the property over the course of the Tiedemann families time in the house. Combine these deaths with rumors that the house contained Prohibition-era secret passageways and you have the making of a classic ghost story. It's said doors often fly open and slam shut, electrical circuits flicker off and on, and even baby's cries can be heard in the rooms. There are also tales of a woman in black seen staring out one of the front windows. With rumors that Hannes Tiedemann was involved in some diabolical acts during life in the house, it wouldn't be a surprise if some bad energy stuck around.

9. The Lizzie Borden House

Location: 92 Second Street, Fall River, Massachusetts.

The name alone should be enough to conjure up images of violence and fear. Lizzie Borden became a famous staple in the American consciousness when she was put on trial, and subsequently acquitted, for the axe murder of her father and stepmother. Whether or not you believe Lizzie committed the crime, the house in which the heinous act took place doesn't seem to have forgotten its dark past. The house now functions as a museum and bed n' breakfast and the owner claims some unexplained things have taken place over the years. Unexplained creaks have been heard, doors opening and closing on their own. The most unnerving incident however, was experienced by the current owner. One night he awoke at 3am to see a shadow moving up the stairs before every single bulb on the dining room chandelier burnt out at once.

10. The Villisca Axe Murder House

Location: 508 e 2nd st. Villisca, Iowa.

This was the scene of one of the most unnerving murders in American history. In June 1912, an entire family and two guests were bludgeoned to death in their home, the result of brutal axe strikes to the head. After it was done, he supposedly covered all the mirrors in the house before departing. To this day, the crime remains unsolved. The house is said to still hold some very dark energy, with some former residents claiming the murderer and his victims still reside within the house, inflicting violent poltergeist activity.

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