Chapter 10 ♛ Queen Mary

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm going to have to fight you guys for her." Colby chimed in, slightly annoyed.

"Wow, I have never had multiple guys fight over me at once before." I beamed, "Is this how it feels like?" I added, playfully giggling.

"Guys have never fought over you before?" Jc questioned, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"Nope, never." I sadly admitted, "Back in Kansas, the only guy that ever showed any interest in me was Reggie Webber. But that was only for a split second when we were both in elementary school." I explained, "So, it was weird when I came here and saw how many people actually liked, liked me."

"Wait, so you've never had a boyfriend before?" Sam asked.

"No, Colby is actually my first." I awkwardly admitted.

"Wait, you never told me this?" Colby quickly chimed in again.

"I mean... I thought it was obvious that I didn't really mess around with people back home or in general." I said, "Plus, I didn't think it really mattered."

"I mean it doesn't matter, but it's good to know these types of things." Colby said, glancing at me through the mirror.

"Well, no one ever asked me this before so I never said anything about it." I said, somewhat defending myself, "Like I said before, I'm an open book. You can literally ask me anything and I will answer it truthfully, but if you don't ask then I'm not going to say anything about anything."

"So, if I were to ask you any type of question right now, you would just answer it without a problem?" Jc asked.

"Yup, pretty much." I answered.

He kept to himself for a few seconds before speaking up again, "I was going to ask you a question, but now I can't think of one." Jc mumbled as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Well, that's too bad." I giggled.

"No, don't say that." He pouted.

"Well, you don't have any time to since we are already here, brothers!" Colby beamed as he slowly pulled into the parking lot of the famous Queen Mary.

"Gosh, this brings back such bad memories." I mumbled as I leaned forward in my seat to get a better view of a place I never wanted to see again in person.

"Yeah." Sam and Colby both quietly agreed with me.

Sam quickly set up the camera on the trunk of Colby's car to capture the intro of one of their collab videos with Kian and Jc.

"Okay, ready?" Sam asked us, which we all happily nodded 'yes'.

Three of us stayed off camera, while the other two could show the grand surprise they had for their viewers which was that Kian, Jc and I were tagging along for this video. But it didn't make any sense to me, because when they edit this video they are going to have footage of all of us riding to the Queen Mary so this whole thing is pointless, but I'm not going to ruin it for anyone.

"Wait." Sam cut off Colby before he went to go check on the camera.

Colby awkwardly stood there with a dorky smile plastered on his pale face, which caused a small giggle to leave my lips. I gently pushed on him, causing him to wrap his strong arms around me and pull me into the frame.

"What's up, guys?!" Colby beamed, "It's Sam and Colby!"

"Today we are here with the legends, Kian and Jc!" Sam happily shouted.

Kian and Jc tried doing a cool pose for the viewers, but they failed miserably at it. But, they continued to be their goofy selves as Sam and Colby explained to the viewers on why the heck we decided to come back to this haunted ship again.

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