Untitled Part 1

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Hi guys, it's your boy Jackson Wang from China! So as we all know the world at the moment is a little bit chaotic. I can only apologise. I am really, really sorry. It wasn't my intention but I'm new at this and well..... I'm terrible at it. I guess I owe you all an explanation. I know this is going to be very confusing and a lot to take in but please hear me out and I will try my best at explaining. So where should I start? I guess the very beginning would be best...

The universe... a black dense hole of nothingness.... I'm kidding! Don't worry I'm not going to go that far back. You can relax now Karen. No for reals this time...

History lesson: Throughout all of time there has been this grand battle between good and evil, we all know that on some level. May it be all those religious people with their theories on God and Satan, or even those on the side of criminals vs the law. It doesn't matter what you believe in we can all agree that this battle is timeless. And there is a reason for that, and it's a good one. The world needs balance to keep going. Pretty simple to understand. Too much good or too much bad tips the balance in either direction. This is the hard and confusing part. If there is too much bad in the world we can all see exactly where that would go.... I have images of Mad Max fury road running through my head now. Well its similar if it tips the other way. Picture this... Not a single bit of evil in the world, everyone follows the rules, not a single bad thing. Sounds like heaven right? But if you never feel the bad how can you feel the good? You wouldn't know what "Good" feels like. You would be sailing through life feeling numb, more like a robot than an actual human. The smallest crimes would have to be eliminated. I know what you are thinking, "Jackson you are just being an idiot!" And yeah maybe I am..... then again maybe I'm not. So somewhere between those two there needs to be some form of neutral territory to keep the balance. Uck this is getting too difficult to explain! Let me move on....

Back to the theory of God vs the Devil. Now I'm not here to disrespect anyone's religion so please leave that argument to the end of my..... wait what is this? Lecture? Story? I don't know what this. Jackson! Seriously man this is your problem, you keep getting distracted and going off on tangents! Mind you that is part of my charm..... Concentrate man come on! This is why you will always be the bloody side character! Fuck. Now I feel shitty that I'm a side character..... Get over it Jackson! You are important to the story just bloody well get on with it!

Right anyway. So yeah all the stuff exists. In a way at least. There isn't a giant man with a big long beard sitting in the clouds judging our every movement and nor is there a half man, half goat with a pitch fork running around punishing the bad guys in hell. There is a number of gods and a number of "devils" or should I just say "demons." So there is your good and your bad. Bet you can't guess what happens to those divides? You guessed it, a tea party! Sorry just trying to lighten the mood. So between the demons and the gods we have the human race. Those little funny creatures are our balance. They aren't completely good, and they aren't completely bad. Well done all you wonderful little people out there keeping the world from ending! But then there is another small issue.... Human's can technically go either way, they are neutral after all. So then we need another form of balance to keep that form of balance from tipping. Yeah my head hurts as well. Guarding angels, a persons conscience, there to keep a person from tipping off into the evil side. So how do we keep everyone from tipping to the good side I hear you ask. Simple, they need to all have minor sins.... See where this is going yet? I would like to introduce you all to the great, the wonderful, the seven deadly sins!!!!! * dances in the corner like a loon *

Lets have a quick recap on the sins just in case people are not familiar with them. As you may have guessed from the name they are sins.... And there is seven of them, recap over. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and pride. I never really understood them until recently, until I accidentally made them cease to exist. So yeah world tipped balance and now we have a world wide pandemic. Again I am so, so sorry.

Balance. Season 1Where stories live. Discover now