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Firstly, goodmorning, good afternoon or goodnight. Just wanted to say hello once again, because it is a really long time ago that I've posted something on here. How are you?

I, personally, am okay. We live in a strange world at the moment. Most of us are quarantined in our houses because of the Corona virus. We are, for some unfortunately, with our family all the time. We sure can go to our rooms, but we still are in the same household as them. We can't go outside to meet our friends. So if we go outside we are alone or with one other person. But if that person doesn't live in your house, you need to keep 6ft distance from each other.

I know, it's hard to not see your friends all the time. But if we walked everywhere and meet everyone, the virus will spread more and more than when we don't. We need to stay home. So do it, please. If it isn't for yourself, do it for the ones who are weaker for this virus than you. Do it for your grandparents. Do it for the ones with the weaker hearts and longs.

You probably didn't ask for this pep talk, but just stay home. Stay safe and stay healthy okay? I love you all.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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