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I am turning into an emotional mess. I always knew that I am a sensitive person. Not always too sensitive, but if I get to much stuff on my plate (is that even an expression?), I feel the tears running up to my eyes.

In 7th grade (brugklas) I went to a therapist. I went there because I wanted to learn how to deal with it. There was a lot going on in that time.

I didn't really like my class. People were bullying me. People didn't like me, because I was a "nerd". I wasn't a nerd. I was just a kid who learned easily and didn't have to do much for it. I still scored A's and B's.

One day, during art classes, I needed to copy a drawing to a bigger version. It was a drawing of a horse. A teacher, who was in the cabinet where the copier was standing, wanted to see my drawing. Back in the days, I didn't know who he was. If you ask me now, I will say that he was my math teacher in 8th grade. But back to the story. He looked at my drawing and he said a lot of stuff what could have been better. I felt the tears coming up. But I didn't cry, luckily.

I was really sensitive for criticism. Sometimes I still am. But I can deal with it better.

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