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Nights are scary. If you stay up longer than usual, it makes you a little drunk. You do crazy stuff. You are there, but at the same time you aren't. You're half asleep. Feelings come harder. And suddenly you fall apart. You fall apart in hundreds of pieces. The tears are rolling down from your cheeks. You cry.

Nights are scary. They'll bring the best out in you. But at the same time, they'll bring the worst out. You're emotionally unstable. A mess.

Nights are scary. You are honest. Honest about things you didn't want to say. You say things on the internet, but you could've better said it in person. Luckily the person, for who it's meant to be, loves you and cares about you.

You're drunk. But you didn't drink alcohol. You drink the long nights.

(I am really scared to post this, lmao. Don't hate me please.)

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