"I never said that, you dunce," Lily said, rolling her eyes and smacking Sirius on the back of the head.

"Buuttt," she turned to me, eyes sparkling, "I know for a fact that (Y/N) knew that Remus was sleeping with her last night. And obviously, she didn't mind it," she winked.

James cocked his head to the side and flashed a knowing look. "Is that right, Evans? Well, go on, tell us how you know."

Lily smiled. "First of all, you all should know (Y/N) is a terrible actress. [A/N I'm sorry if you act you're probably wonderful but let it slide for the sake of the fic :)] When (Y/N) first saw Remus, she tried to play it off as being surprised, but instead it came off as disgust. Second, she didn't have a fit. I mean, come on. Even the sight of Remus at The Three Broomsticks was enough to have her running. But this time, she barely even bat an eye."

Peter nodded and waved his finger. "That's true - I noticed it as well. She didn't even seem mad. Just rushed, y'know, because of her exam."

Hearing all of this made me have a glimmer of hope and I slightly smiled.

"That's not all, though," Lily continued excitedly, "just before she rushed upstairs, I could've sworn I saw her smile at Remus from the corner of my eye. I'm telling you, Remus, she-"

Lily was interrupted by an abrupt ahem.

I looked up and saw Severus, pale-faced and in the flesh. What was he doing here?"

"Good afternoon boys. Lily." he said.

"So, have you thought about my offer?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Actually, Severus," Lily butted in hesitantly, "we're not sure we need the Felix Felicis anymore. We'll be able to do it on our own." she smiled.

"We will?" I said, my eyes widened.

"We will?" the boys echoed in surprise and turned to Lily.

"Yep. I'm positive of it." She flashed a great smile and turned to Snape, "listen, Severus, thank you so much for your offer, but we've got it from here." She patted his shoulder.

His face turned cold and he turned away abruptly. As he walked away, I swear I heard
him mutter, "you'll regret this."

[Lily's POV]

I was sitting on my bed reading, when I heard the door open. It was (Y/N).

"Hey, love! Barely saw you today, and you weren't even at lunch. How are you? How was your exam?" I closed my book and excitedly prepared to hear about my best friend's day.

"Well," she sighed, setting her bookbag on the floor, "the exam wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Real easy stuff, if I'm honest."

"That's great!" I smiled, "so, how about lunch, you didn't show..."

"Well, actually, I was at the library. Felt like I needed some peace and quiet after a long day, y'know?"

I looked into her eyes. She wasn't lying, I could tell. I almost felt bad for questioning her so much - I just wanted to know how she felt about Remus.

"Yeah, no, I understand that."

We sat in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Hey (Y/N), you know I love you, right? You can tell me anything and I'll always have your back. Good or bad." I coaxed.

She gave me a knowing look. "Appreciate it, Lils, but if this is about Remus, my mind isn't changed. I don't want him back."

I looked into her eyes again. Unease. She wasn't fully telling the truth. However, I didn't want her to know that I knew that.

"Of course not, I just, you know, know you've been stressed out for a while and if you need anything, I'm here to talk, is all." I smiled simply.

She half smiled. "Thanks, I love you Lils. If you don't mind, I'm going to bed. Mind shutting off the light for me?" she said, changing into pyjamas.

"Yeah, no problem," I smiled. I shut off the light and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)," I said.

"Goodnight, Lils," she said, snuggling under her blankets and dozing off to bed.

[timeskip 15 min later - still Lily's POV]

I kept checking my watch. 11:15 pm. They were supposed to be here already, damn it. I mentally cursed myself for believing that these boys had any sort of time management skills.

Finally, after a couple seconds, I heard loud footsteps and barely hushed male voices coming down the stairs. Merlin, don't they know how to keep quiet?

They all sat down on the floor, rubbing their eyes, clearly tired from the day's events.

"Lils, you know I love you, but secret Common Room meeting at 11pm? Really, babe?" James said, half asleep.

"I second that," Remus raised his hand drowsily.

"I third it," Peter sighed.

"Oh, stop complaining and listen to me. I'll make this quick so you big babies can go to bed, don't worry," I said, clearly annoyed.

"And what was sooo important that you had to make us stay up until 11pm for?" James questioned.

I tilted my head forwards and crossed my arms.

"I have a plan."

wc; 1,489
First of all, I just wanted to give a huge thank you to you all. We did it, y'all, we hit 50k :') When I was just a tiny little grade 8 starting this book I never would've thought I would've got 1k, not 50k. Thank you for sticking by me. For sticking through this book, which I still have no idea how you guys put up with my shitty updating and plot lines. I've never felt more included in a community before. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for fuelling my passion for writing with all the love.
Anyways, what did y'all think of the chapter? Any ideas about Snapes intentions or Lily's plan?!
Stay safe n wash your hands :)

emma x

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