Chapter 10-A really happy moment

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When Jungkook opened the door, I realised that we were at an amusement park! !!!!!

Omgggg. FYI, I actually fell asleep so I did not know where we were going. 

Jungkook: Here we are.

I was actually kind of shocked when I found out that I was going to an amusement park. I haven't been to one for ages. 

When I stepped into the amusement park, Jungkook took my hand and brought me to one of the roller coasters. When I saw the roller coaster, I freaked out. It was like those kinds  which go quite high up. 

Jungkook: Are u okay? You don't look so good... are you okay with taking this ride with me? I absolutely love these kinds of rides!!!

Me: Ohhh... um sure:) 

I tried to smile, not showing that I was scared at all, while I was literally going crazy inside. Like u was really freaking out. What If I die???

Reluctantly, I went to the absolutely Long  queue for the roller coaster.

*time skip* just before the ride

It was our turn!!!! Omggg I am literally dying inside now. Oh no what have I put myself into?

Jungkook looked really really happy 😃  unlike me. 

Then, we finally sat on the seats. 

And soon, the roller coaster was going up. It was going rather slow, slower than I had expected at least. But it was getting faster and faster as it went higher and higher. It went side-was a couple of times and I was seriously sweating cold sweat. I was just so terrified of heights. 

Just then, I felt something warm touch my hand. It was Jungkook's hand omg. He looked at me and smiled then continued to enjoy the ride. 

I instantly felt my face become hit. I instinctively knew that I was blushing. Because like... 

I was really embarrassed at the same time. It is actually kind of crazy how someone can make you feel like this it is just so not me. My heart has never fluttered💓 for a guy before. This is so damn weird.

When the ride was over, Jungkook and I went to some other rides. I was so embarrassed that they that I hardly even talked at all. I'm sure that Jungkook things that I am really weird. Why do I feel so awkward around him anyways? This is so not me. And why do I even care about how he thinks of me?

Jungkook well, was also quite quiet. It was so awkward that I wanted to leave. All of a sudden, it started to rain.

Jungkook and I only had 1 umbrella ☂️  though and it was raining quite heavily and we were officially broke so we did not want to spend money on an umbrella.

Jungkook helped hold the I'm really while I held all the shopping. The umbrella was rather small, so, I was wondering how I was hardly even wet at all. It was raining really really heavily, so...?

Just then, I noticed that though I was rather dry, Jungkook's side was quite wet, he was half drenched.

Hi guys! Sry for not uploading a chp last week. I'm sry. So, the next chapter is finally out and I promise to upload a chp for u guys next week. Thankyou for the 560 plus reads❤️❤️❤️ Ty I love you guys💜💜💜

Please comment ❤️❤️❤️ I really wanna right better and also vote and follow if you want:)

P.s. don't forget to stream <spit it out> by solar 😀 it's really good and also Chungha is having a comeback today as well😃 at 6pm kst

Don't forget to stream💖💖💖

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