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"Hurry up, stupid!"

Her lips curved into a smile as mischief flashed in her eyes. She continued to ascend to the top of the hill while I remained standing half way through. Time seemed to stop in accordance with the beating of my heart. Golden orbs trained into my very soul, and the world has never been so radiant and full of life in my eyes.

"Wait...," my voice came out frail and rough, like I have been deprived of a single drop of water in my throat for days. Her laughter filled the clearing, cheeks were painted pink as she stepped back while facing me. Only that it is not me. Not quite. Not really.

"Who are you?"

I received a knowing smile and nothing more. I grew frustrated as every second passed without gaining any answer. I tried to step forward yet I found myself unable to move any part of my body. With quick breathing, I forced my limbs to work. Jaws clenching as my right foot slowly lifted from the ground. It raised a mere inch before it sank back. Helpless sighs escaped my lips.

I know this feeling, as if cold walls enclosed around my entire being with nails piercing from every direction. It numbs my senses yet I feel everything.

"What are you waiting for, love?" My head lifted abruptly. She no longer stood meters away but inches. I caught a flicker of joy in her golden eyes but it was quickly covered with something I cannot recognize.

Strong and sweet fragrance flooded my nostrils as the afternoon wind touched both our figures. It envaded my mind with green fields, firelight and sweet kisses. If I close my eyes, I could even feel it. See it. It striked a guttural instinct inside me to own whatever it is. Mine.

I'm yours.

I flinched when I felt a warm hand cupped my face. My eyes fixed on hers as her free hand travelled at the back of my head, clutching my already messed hair tenderly. As if a lover came home after being away for years and her soft touch filled the gap in his soul.

I do not know her, but she knows me. I can see by the way her eyes would move around my features, from my eyes down to my lips. It's like she's memorizing every detail of my face. We stood there gazing at each other with confusion and longing. She longed for me. But who is she?

"I told you, I am yours as you are mine." I don't know what shocked me more: the fact that she just heard what I said in my mind or the realization in what she told.


"You have to find me first." The eagerness in her voice got my attention so was what she did. My heart stopped. I found myself unable to breathe with her lips pressed upon mine. Sealed. She reminded me of soft fur of wolves back in camp—back at home. Feather-light kisses followed until we needed air in our lungs. At least I did. She seemed fine, like we didn't held our breaths for a minute or two.

When the fog in my mind cleared, I remember what she last said. Something about finding her. What is there to find when she's already here?

"Where are you?" Her image began to blur like everything else around. I panicked when I tried to hold her hand, but it passed right through her form. I tried again, and was utterly strucked as my fingers clasp a smoke. She's fading.

No. I don't want her to fade!

I don't know what has come into me but I found myself begging her to grab my hand. Hold it and never let go. Not again. Tears poured my eyes as she continued to shift into something I cannot hold anymore. Black and gold swirled around her form as she gazed one last time into my eyes.

And that moment, I recognized the golden orbs that captured my heart and soul—if I ever had one.


I'm yours.

Now and always.

I struggled more. As I was about to grasp her lovely face, she uttered words that I know will haunt me until my last day.

"Find me."

Then there was nothing. Nothing at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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