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Juliet Atwood was perfectly content with her life on the ark. That is until the day her father discovered the oxygen supply on the ark was running low. Her father and his partner, Councilman Griffin, were meant to keep quiet, but they both agreed the people had a right to know. Chancellor Jaha and the rest of the council disagreed saying it would cause chaos among their people. The two went along with their plan anyway and both men were floated for committing treason against the council. Both of their daughters had no plans on staying silent and they were both locked up in order for the the news to be kept quiet.

A year later the council agreed on project: the 100. Sending the two young girls and 98 other delinquents down to earth. Their hopes that the 100 will find earth capable of supporting human life again. So that one day the human race will return home.

The problem being that the ark didn't take in account that the 100 newly freed delinquents had no interest in doing what they were told. Being locked up, for some, most of their lives they just wanted to be free again.

The 100 soon realize that earth isn't as great as they all thought it was.

Juliet has to come to terms with her inner demons. Always trying to make her deceased father proud, but always seeming to fail him at every turn.

Shadow and a Dancer ➵ monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now