Chapter 6

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Excuse ALL Mistakes !!

So its been a month since the party and Tommy and I have been hanging out since then and surprisingly we've been vibing like now we at his apartment he shares with Brent. I was watching him play the game and I've been telling this boy I was hungry for the past hour.

"Tommy, I'm Hungry" I told him for like the fifteenth time

"Aight, Bae. I'm Coming" He continued pressing buttons on the controller

I'm Two Seconds From Unplugging That Shit, I thought.

I stood up, putting my phone and lip gloss in my back pocket then putting on my shoes. I was almost out the door when he paused the game and ran over to me, shutting the door. Tommy then leaned against the door, pulling me to him.

"Where You Going, Mommas?" he whispered in my ear

"To Get Me Some Food Cause Your Ass So Busy On That Game To Feed Me" I folded my arms

"I Was Coming, Izzy"

"Boy, You Were Coming Two Hours Ago" I rolled my eyes, moving away from him

"Alright, What You Want?" He asked, walking away to put on his NIKE slides and grabbing his keys

"Hooters." I said, opening the door and walking out.

"You Ain't Tired Of Hooters?" He complained, locking the door

"Nope" I flipped my hair

We were walking to his car but stopped when we heard his name being called; We turned around and saw two girls coming towards us.

"Hey, Tommy. Where You Been?" Some girl asked, hugging him

"Hey Morgan. I've Been Around; Just Chilling" He rubbed the back of his neck

"Yeah, I See. With Her" She cut her eyes at me

"Aye, Man. Don't Do That; She Ain't The Reason Why I Distant Myself"

"Well, What's The Reason?" She then asked with an attitude

"To Be Honest, You Served Your Purpose With Me. Shit, I Just Wanted To Fuck And I Did Just That"

"Well, I Had To Be Good Since You Came Back For More" She smirked

"Actually, I Only Came Back Just To Make Sure My Dick Wasn't Tripping The First Time. Your Shit Ain't Got No Grip, Ma" He shrugged

I busted out laughing and shook my head.

"The Hell You Mean?! My Shit Got All The Grip It Needs. I Ain't Heard No Complaints"

"Probably Not To Your Face But I've Heard A Quite A Few"

Whew Chile, The Ghetto, I thought as I laughed harder.

I just grabbed Tommy's keys from his hand, press the unlock the doors button and walked to the car, still laughing

"Bitch, What You Laughing At?!" the friend ask me with an attitude

"You Need To Revert That Attitude To Your Friend Who Got You Got Here In This Heat Arguing About Her Pussy " I said over my shoulder, reaching the car and getting it in

Cute Attitude But Wrong Person To Have It With, I thought as I pulled out my phone to order our Hooters

Tommy then got in the car, cranked up the car and pulling off; leaving Morgan and her mutt looking friend standing there looking salty as hell.

"You Gotta Get That Together" I joke

"Maaan, She Needs To Get That Pussy Together" He scoff. "My Dick Fine"

Something About Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें