Chapter 1

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Excuse ALL Mistakes !!

"So Bella, You Seen The New Guy Everybody's Been Talking About?" my best friend Gabby ask

"No And I Don't Want To Either" I rolled my eyes while walking down the hall

"Girl, Why Not? That Boy Fine As Hell. Chile, If Only He Were Gay: He Can Bend My Pretty Ass Over Anytime" Gabby lusted

Yes, you've read it right; Gabby is a Transgender. Male to female but trust me when you see Gabby you'll think he's full on girl cause of his girly looking face and nice body. We've been best friends since the second semester in middle school; that's my baby.

I busted out laughing and said, "Girl What"

"You Heard Me. His Brown Ass Can Get It"

"You Need Help" I laughed as I walked into my first class of the day

I sat in the middle as gabby sat beside me, we were currently waiting on our professor whose forever late. sometimes I don't even know why I come early knowing he's gonna be forty-five minutes late. I was into my phone when Gabby kept repeatedly tapping my arm.

"Bitch, What?" I asked, mugging her

"Girl, Look. There's The New Guy" Gabby pointed

I looked up from my phone and rolled my eyes. The typical hood boy; 6ft, brown skin, blemish free face, top and bottom golds, dreads with brownish- blonde at ends and a tattoo on the neck and chest.

He's Cute, I thought

I look back down to my phone, not giving him any more of my attention than he already got.

"Soooooo?" Gabby nudged me

"He Cute" I shrugged

Gabby sucked her teeth and said, "Cute? Caresha Please ! You Know He Fine"

"I Mean Yeah He's Fine But He's Not All That" I rolled my eyes

"Girl, Remind Me Set You Up An Appointment To They Eye Doctor Cause Bitch You Gots To Be Blind"

"Girl, Bye" I waved her off when our professor walked in

"Sorry, I'm Late. Please Be Seated." He said, pulling out some papers from his suitcase.

For the next thirty minutes or so, all he did was gave us papers to fill out and talked about what we were gonna be doing this semester. This is my second year at EWC(Edward Waters College) Aka Edubb. I major in Elementary Education And Gabby well I don't know what Gabby major is; I think she's really here for the parties. The professor dismissed us due to a family emergency or whatever, I walked out the class with Gabby behind me still talking about the new boy.

Lord, I wish she hush about his ass already, I thought.

"Gabby, Please Hush About Him Already." I huff

"My Bad, Girl. He Just So Fine., But Let Me Back Off Cause That's Your Man"

"How He My Man And I Haven't Even talked Nor Met The Man?" I raised my eyebrows

"You'll See" She smirked

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, not even looking where I'm going; somebody grabbed me before I fell on my face. The person stood me up straight by my waist and it was the new boy, He licked his lips and smiled.

"You Good, Mommas?" he asked, still holding onto my waist

"Yes And Thank You" I smiled back while looking up at him.

"Aight, Gotta Watch Where You're Going, Beautiful. Ion Need You Falling On That Pretty Face" He rubbed my chin then walked away

"And There Is Your Sign" Gabby beamed

"Sign For What?" I asked, confused

"That Yall Gonna Be Together"

"Gabby, All He Did Was Keep Me From Falling On My Face And Embarrassing Myself"

"And He Also Called You Beautiful" She smirked again

"Okaaaayyy? I'm Pretty Sure He Calls A lot Of Girls That"

"Yeah, But The Way He Called You That Was Different. I Can Tell" Gabby folded her arms across her chest

"Gab, You Bugging" I said, waving her off and walking to my next class

"You'll See" She mumbled

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