Chapter 7 | Jumping and Running

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You think I enjoyed watching a crowd of strangers rub their pelvic bones to each other in the middle of the dance floor? And practically get laid any moment on? You think the reek of alcohol was relishing? You think it was utterly delightful to be scrutinized by bouncers in the body of Dwayne Johnson? You think that a bunch of creeps throwing you stares from one table was flattering? You actually think that blinding laser lights and blasting speakers destroying your ear drums was a reason for exultation?

Well, so much for the revel of these people, but I couldn't seem to empathize of what they felt. I knew that I was the least person to begin throwing any complaints, having this to be my idea in the first place, but I also knew that my sole reason for coming here was to get Luke caught red-handed, not this youthful tumult. And maybe a little fun, yes, I have to admit. For the sake of dragging my friends into this, I had to admit this was one way to give us a little break and as for Ava, a wider discovery of venturing into adulthood.

Aunt V was surprisingly okay with us coming here. Well, after a long talk with Zakk in the room, maybe forewarning him that if we were dead by midnight, he was more likely the dead man walking. And then another long talk with Ava, of course, and then me. I was guilty for a while how she was highly anxious of risking me out at night when I didn't ask Mom about this. And the fact that I was under her control, making her responsible for anything to happen to me.

At first, she was all fussy about convincing us to bring condoms as back up, in which all of four of us had almost puked upon. She then attempted to come with us as chaperone, and when we disagreed, she had us prepare alarms in our phones that sounded like a bomb about to explode. Auntie was nearly insane for that matter but we had to understand her intentions, anyway.

"Perfect timing. The concert's about to start." Steph was enthusiastic a hundred times more than she already regularly was.

Kat and Ava, who I knew we're more of a social butterfly than I was, managed to get along with Steph so far. When Steph asked about the boys' presence, plus Grae who I knew Zakk wouldn't fail to invite, I merely told her they were persistent to be our chaperones. She didn't quite mind, anyway, since she didn't want to invite Luke over even if she was given a choice, which gave me the thought that their problem must be really serious.

I was eyeing the area around, trying to get a glimpse of Luke and Vanessa somewhere. Anywhere. I just had to see them as soon as I could to avoid all of us getting stuck here all night. We promised Aunt V we would be home by 12 and I didn't wanna disappoint her after accepting me in her house. It was to my advantage the concert started at exactly 10pm. The area near the stage was already crammed and we had to slip our bodies through to be nearer to the front.

"Bitch, relax." Ava said to my right. She was gorgeous in her rosy red dress with laced see-through long sleeves. "We don't get a free concert and be-home-by-12 every night."

"We'll get to him in no time, alright. Get your eyes on the stage first." Kat chimed in.

"What a pretty lucky guy he is, carrot, if you don't start dancing." Zakk had to have his word, too, which never helped. I only gave him a mockingly bored look.

Grae informed us that the band was called The Red Spades, consisting of five members in their early 20s. They were still rising stars in the music industry, which explained why they were still not so familiar. After the band settled their arrangements onstage, they began playing the song Geronimo by Sheppard.

Next thing I knew, I was jumping with Kat, Ava and Steph. We were forming a circle and it didn't take long for the guys to join in. We were all nearly ballistic. Everytime the chorus played, we sang along and we jumped almost in unison, belly laughing upon each other's frustrated dancing skills.

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