Jimin eyes widened in shock, covering his mouth with his palm.

Damn, he looks like a child who saw the world for the first time.

"Ofcourse I know"

"But.. do you know why i'm here?" He asked.

"I don't know, but i know there's a reason why they chose you"

"Chose me? Who?"

Who the fuck chose him to be here? He doesn't owe a debt on anyone.

"Stop asking things will you? I'm only here to give you a hint of how to get back"

Jimin's eyes widened for the nth time. If being shocked will make him money, damn he could be a millionaire now.

"What is it?"

He's determined. He's willing to do anything just to get out of here, even if it costs his life.

All he knows from his science teacher is that traveling back in time is impossible.

He believes that if you really wanna go back in time, you must go forward first—to your deathbed. And wait for yourself to be reincarnated as either Bill Gates' son-in-law or as a guinea pig.

Sure, it takes a lot of energy if ever traveling back in time is possible.

If this is one of the fairytales or fictions with a magical wand that has a secret code diggidy juggidy poof that'll bring you to the past then Jimin's not taking it. Any of it.

"Find Jeon Jungkook"

She said, handing him a piece of paper that says 'Jeon Jungkook' on it.

He scanned it carefully and even flipped the paper over, hoping there would be some kind of address which he could go to.

"Jeon Jungkook? Who is he even? How can I—"

He looked up but the old lady wasn't there anymore so he panicked.

He looked on the both sides and his eye caught the old lady from afar. She's walking away!

He didn't waste any time and started running, "W–wait!"

He can't keep up with his short legs, he's already panting heavily but that didn't stopped him from running.

Is he like the man on the temple run game? But the only thing is he's not being chased, he's the one chasing the monk—

"Stop!" He shouted but she didn't hear him.

He ran to the streets, hopping on some trash cans and even dodged the vegetables in the market.

Damn he got some skills.

He was close on the old lady when he bumped into someone.

They both fell on the solid cement, Jimin having scratches on his palm and knees.

"I-im sorry!" He apologized, he stood and helped the man to get up.

The guy has somewhat a square shaped face. His eyebrows sits very close to his eyes, giving him a fierce vibe. His thin lips finishes his cute look.

Wait, he's cute?

"Who are you chasing?"

He asked. Then Jimin remembered the old woman! He left the guy after apologizing again, he looked everywhere but there was no use, he lost her.

He sighed in frustration, he stopped running and sat on his knees to catch his breath.

"Where would i go? She could've left me a place to sleep atleast!"

He uttered. Now that he's in 2015, he doesn't know where to go or where to start in finding that Jeon Jungkook.

Seriously speaking, who is he even? The king of the witches? Or maybe the old woman's lost grandson? And she just used Jimin to find him?

"Wow that's fucked up!" He thought.

How will Jungkook help him even? Does he have a time machine in their home?

"Whatever, I should find a place to sleep first" He said and got up.

He went to a convenience store and bought a newspaper, quickly flipping the paper to the Classified ads section.

"I gotta find a cheap apartment or something"

Hours passed and he still haven't found anything. He's close to crying but he can't just give up. He has to live for days atleast.

"I wanna go home" He whispered.

While sitting outside the convenience store, he saw the guy earlier walking pass him.

"H-hey!" He called. The guy quickly noticed him and went near him.

"Hey, you're the one in the market right?" He asked. Jimin just nodded awkwardly.

"I'm sorry for earlier" Jimin uttered.

The guy just nodded and then noticed that he's problematic, the face says it all tho. He looks so pale and sick.

"Are you alright?" He couldn't help to ask.

"Y-yeah.. i guess.."

"What seems to be the problem?" The guy asked. "Do you mind me sitting here?"

The guy seems to have a soft heart for him. Earlier when he bumped onto him, he gave him shivers to his spine.

He has a different aura that no one else has.

Jimin just said no, maybe he needs a company for awhile.

"I-i.." Jimin is stuttering, he doesn't know where to start.

He doesn't even know if he'll believe him. Imagine someone that traveled back in time? Lol bummer.

"I-i think it's better to keep it on me" Jimin said.

The man just sighed and nodded, "I understand. Just tell it to me when you're ready. I know you need help and I'm ready to help you in any ways!"

Jimin was surprised, "But.. you don't even know me.."

"I-i just find you interesting.. i guess" he said.

"What's your name?" The guy asked.

"I'm Jimin. P..park Jimin"

"How about you?"

"I-i'm Jeon.."

Jimin's eyes widened. Is it him?! Jeon Jungkook?!

"Jeon???" Jimin asked, gesturing him to continue speaking.

"J-jeon— K-kookmin"


chapter 2 is up!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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