'My mother would never harm her,' Connor said.

"Let's hope so," he said.

Connor may think his mother won't hurt Kiki, but who knows. One wrong move from Kiki, and it'll be over.

For their sake, they'll continue to obey Grace.


Grace felt nervous as she stood outside the doors of the bedroom, where the man that hunted her dreams resides. She took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. Laying in bed, the older man was. He had his eyes close. She walked over carefully as to not wake him. Once she was bedside him, she took a good look, it was him.

She reached down and stroke the side of his face. Tears gather in her eyes. "Why do you make me feel this way? Who are you to me?"

The man opened his eyes. "Grace, my beautiful daughter."


"I'm not your daughter," she said. "Am I?"

The man laughed and coughed. She poured some water and sat on the bed, she helped him drink it. She could sense the illness all over his body, he's truly is dying.

"You're my daughter," he laid back. "No matter how you look or what you have become, you're my little Grace. That will never change." He grabbed her hand and patted it.

Grace felt a sense of awareness and calmness. "I don't understand," she frowned. "How are you, my father?"

"I just am," he smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I have been so worried about you, it seems whatever spell everyone is on, didn't work on me. I guess since I'm your father, I didn't want to forget you."

Grace looked down at their hands. "I can't love."

"You can," he said. "By the way, Ciana is a beautiful little girl."

Grace gasped. "You know where she is?"

"Yes," he sighed. "Kat brought her to me; no one else believes that Ciana is your daughter, but I did. Again it has to do with the spell cast upon everyone that you knew. Anyways, Ciana is blind, but she can sense whos around her. She so bright."

"I want to see her," Grace gripped his hand. "Why didn't you bring her?"

"It's not safe," he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. "Grace, you need to break free of this curse. Your not the Queen, your Grace. I can't change you, only you can."

He coughed.

"I'll heal you," she said.

"No," he shook his head. "My illness can't be a cured, I'm barely holding on."

"Why?" She asked. "Why would you endure this pain?"

"To see you happy," he smiled. "I'll hold on as long as I can until I see you happy and married with Andre. Where is he?"

"In my bedroom," she looked down. "Andre will never leave my side, he's bonded to me, plus his blind."

"Talk to me," he said. "I'm your father, I will not judge you."

"My husband," she gulped. "Removed his eyes as punishment for taking Ciana away from me. I didn't want that to happen tp Andre, but I was so angry and grieving that my thoughts where all scramble. I couldn't think about anything but Ciana."

"Go on," he smiled.

Grace didn't know why, but she felt as if she could trust this man, she laid down next to him and went on telling him everything that has happened. He didn't speak, just listened. And it felt great, comforting.

She doesn't know what happened after that, but for the first time in a long time, she slept peacefully with no dreams. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, the man, Bob, was sleeping. She stood carefully as to not wake him and walked out. She orders the guards to have a maid bring him food and make sure he has everything to keep him comfortable.

She went back to her bedroom, Andre was out on the balcony. She made her way over and joined him.

"How is your father?" He asked.

"Is he my father?" She asked.

"Yes," Andre said. "He's a good man, GRace. Don't kill him."

"I will never," she sighed. "Bob, he makes me feel safe, like you. But it's different."

Andre smiled. "He's your father, Grace, it's his job to keep you safe to protect you. And he will do it until his last breath."

"He's dying," she hugged Andre. "It makes me sad."

"I know," he strokes her hair. "I have known about his illness was before all of this happened. The only reason why he's still alive is that he wants to see all of his daughters married and happy. You're the last one."

Grace held on to Andre tightly. "Andre, I don't know what to do anymore; my thoughts are starting to scramble. I don't know which ones are mine."

"They all are," he whispers. "You just need to accept the truth."

She shook her head.

She will never accept this, never.

That man isn't her father, she has no other family.

But a voice in the back of her mind told her otherwise.

Could it be true?






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