Taeyong turned to him with a soft smile. "Mom, does he make you happy?," he questioned, he knew this time would come and he had been hoping for it to happen.

Sehun sheepishly nodded.

"Whatever that makes you happy, will make me feel the same," he chuckled and suddenly buried the elder with a hug.

He just hoped they would never have to experience the same thing ever again. It was true that he believed Kai would not do it. 

"So right now focus on yourself as well, don't just focus on me," Taeyong felt relieved, as long as Sehun was happy he would be okay with it. 

"Also you will have someone else to focus on now."

Sehun snorted as a reply. "But Taeyong, remember that you are the most important one in my life," he stated with a fond smile.

Taeyong nodded. "I know, mom but don't tell him that I accepted it yet," he said. "I need to make sure he is good enough for you and to be my father," he smugged.

The elder grinned. Well he knew how mischievious he was.

"Ah I need to go now, see you mom," he snatched his back from the chair and pecked a kiss on Sehun's cheek before sprinting out of the house.

Sehun exhaled in relieve. Could he be have a life like he wanted before finally?

Taeyong was wearing his shoes at the doorway before getting up to the gate but he almost jumped in surprise as someone expected was waiting there. 

"Jaehyun, what are you doing here?"

Jaehyun lifted his head as his name was called and shot a smile at Taeyong who was looking shockly at him. "Hi, Taeyong."

"I'm here to walk you to school," he replied. 

Taeyong cleared his throat to hide away his embarassment. Well he would be lying if he said he was not happy right?

"Thanks but you don't have to trouble yourself," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Although he was truly so excited.

Jaehyun chuckled. "Not at all, I would do anything for you," he uttered. "So should we go now?," they started walking after Taeyong nodded.

Looked like he needed to calm himself down for the rest of their way to school.


"For real?!," Baekhyun was surprised by the thing Kai just told him. He wrapped his arms around the younger and pat them gently.

He looked up at him. "I'm so proud of you, Kai," he stated. "I never thought you would be this brave to say out your feelings," he complimented.

Kai huffed as a response. "I told you I will make a move when everything is ready," he retorted and suddenly remembered about last night.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "If Sehun didn't invite you last night no one knows when will you make a move," he snapped. 

Well that was kind of true.

"I have class after this," he said and it left few minutes before the ball rang. It was Taeyong's class and he suddenly wondered about him.

Did Sehun already told him?

The bell rang and Kai glanced at his wrist watch before standing up from his desk. Taking his books and excused himself to class. 

Taeyong was in his deep thoughts even when Kai had already entered his class for his lesson. He was still wondering about the thing they discussed in the morning. 

It was not like he regretted it. He was happy with it?

He was thinking that, would he finally got to feel how was it to have a father? Even before this, Kai already gave him that feeling of being protected and loved. 

"Taeyong, what are you thinking of?," Mark startled him from his deep thoughts and he just noticed that the lesson had already started.

He grinned sheepishly and began opening his books. "It's nothing," he responded and focused on the teacher at the front.

Mark arched his eyebrows before shrugging off. Well even if Taeyong didn't tell him he would know sooner or later. He would not force him if he did not want to share out.

Kai noticed that Taeyong was out of focus for a while just now. He could not help but to think that he must have knew about him and Sehun right?

He let out a sigh before continuing on his lesson. He would meet Taeyong and explain everything to him. No matter what he knew how he loved his son.


Hii! Hope you like the chapter!💗💗

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