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Author's POV

"Sehun, you're going home?," Chanyeol sounded as they bumped into each other in the lift. It was pretty late already.

Sehun nodded and glanced at his wrist watch which showed 6. "Yeah, my works are done," he responded.

"That's unusual for you to be back this late?," the elder questioned while furrowing his eyebrows at Sehun.

"You're right," the younger grinned. "Taeyong will be home late today, that's why I decided to just finish the works," he continued and the lift door opened at the moment.

Both of them stepped out of the lift afterwards. "How about you?," he questioned in their way to the parking lot.

"Baekhyun has a meeting and Mark is probably with your son, it will be easier to fetch them on my way," Chanyeol replied and kept his bag in the backseat.

Sehun nodded. "I will go now, Chanyeol Hyung," he uttered while getting in the car.

"Be careful and you can come over anytime, Baekhyun will be happy to meet you," Chanyeol stated before Sehun started his car's engine. He shot a fond smile at the younger.

"Got it," Sehun responded. "See you, Hyung," he waved for the last time before his car was drove away from the parking area.

He once again glanced at the watch on his wrist and it was already late to be cooking dinner.

Taeyong would be back after this and he must be hungry.

"Should I just buy something?," Sehun mumbled to himself while his eyes were wandered over the streets.

He finally made a decision to get something for both of them to eat tonight.

The car was parked in the place and Sehun went out of the car afterwards. It was kind of crowded tonight at the usual restaurant he went to.

"I will just get something quick," he muttered to himself and walked towards the counter.

Eating like this once in a while was not a bad idea after all and besides Taeyong must liked it.

After placing his order, he took a seat at one of the table there. The restaurant was nearly full for tonight.

"Hm?," Sehun furrowed his eyebrows to see a guy who just entered the restaurant.

He seemed like searching for a place to sit as the place was crowded at the moment.

Sehun was unsure whether to be helping him or not but his heart told him to help the guy.

"Excuse me?," he called out and raised up his hand to get the guy's attention.

He looked confused before pointing to himself to make sure. Sehun responded with a nod while smiling at him.

"You can sit here, my order will be ready later," Sehun sounded as soon as the guy was standing right in front of him.

The guy curled up a relief smile as he heard it. "Thank you so much," he uttered with a fond smile.

He took a seat at the same table as Sehun. "Thank you once again, the place is really crowded tonight," he said.

"By the way, I'm Kai," he suddenly said and reached out one of his hand towards Sehun.

Sehun shook his hand with his smile. "I'm Sehun, and it's nothing," he replied to him.

Kai nodded and took a chance to look at Sehun's features. He looked simple but attractive, probably married by the way he acted.

Fate ¦| [KAIHUN]✓[COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ