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Author's POV

"Have you arrived at home?," Kai asked as Sehun just picked up his phone call.

"Not yet, I was waiting for Taeyong right now," Sehun's voice was heard from the side.

Taeyong had a club gathering today so he would be back a bit late than usual.

"I'm sorry I can't pick you up today, I will be back right away after meeting my friend," Kai uttered.

Sehun chuckled. "Kai, it's fine. I have been driving myself before this," he said.

Kai curled up a smile. "I know. I'm just worried that's all," he was used doing stuffs for Sehun.

As they were talking, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around him from behind. "Hello there my Jongin."

Kai was surprised and rolled his eyes as he turned around to see his friend there, looking at him with that innocent smile.

"My Jongin?," Sehun's voice was heard and startled Kai. He realized Sehun was still there on the phone.

He slapped the person's head once and received a yell from him.

"It's just my friend, there is nothing to worry about okay?," he tried to explain before Sehun could misunderstood.

Sehun replied with a grin. "I know, I'll see you later then," he said before ending their call.

Kai's smile automatically disappeared as he put his phone away and glared at the person in front of him.

"Whoa, you didn't tell me you already have someone," Kai rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That is why I called you to meet, Taemin," he said to the person who was seated in front of him.

Taemin replied with a huff. He then turned to the latter with a curious smile.

"How are you doing?," Kai began to ask after a while.

Taemin was one of his closest friend while he was in college. They were dormmates before they separated to pursue their own dreams.

Kai continued his study until he could be a teacher and Taemin pursue his dreams in other field.

He was a police officer, just like what he wanted to be.

"I'm good, how about you?," he answered.

Kai shrugged. "Well, I'm just the same."

"You know, we haven't met each other for a while and out of sudden you are dating someone?," he said in disbelief.

It was true. They didn't met each other much after working but they did get in contact sometimes.

Kai chuckled. "Well things just happened. Also I would like to invite you to our wedding end of this month—

"Kim Jongin! Are you serious?"

Taemin's loud voice startled the people inside the cafe. It made them looked at them in questioning.

"Slow down, idiot!," Kai hissed to settle down his friend. He was always this loud whenever they were hanging out.

"How can I be? You are going to get married!," the latter exclaimed.

"Ah, I felt left out right now. You didn't even tell me a word about you dating," he pretended to be sad which made Kai rolled his eyes in annoyance.

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