The Reveal

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"So you really don't know her plan?" Dianne asked in a hushed voice as she and Joe hurried to the Zoella office the following week. The sun was shining and the temperature was finally rising to a more consistent summer level - but Dianne felt as though she was about to walk into a massive thunderstorm.

"No clue," Joe shrugged, gripping her hand tighter as he opened the door to the high rise and slipped into the lobby. "I told you, I'm done getting involved. Whatever my Dad and Leo are up to, I want no part of it."

Dianne bit her lip, willing herself to hold in her commentary. She knew Joe wasn't one to exaggerate, but she was having a hard time believing him when he said he was done with the mysterious happenings at his sister's company. They had spent weeks trying to figure out Leo's plan, so his complete step back this last week had confused her.

"Zoe told me she has things under control," Joe paused outside the lifts, turning to face her and grabbing her hand so both were now clasped in between them. "And my dad said to forget about work. I'm choosing to finally listen to them. Besides, I'm not going to do anything else to jeopardize what we have going on."

Dianne couldn't help but beam up at the man who was staring at her with a look of so much love it made her heart race. The last week had only brought them closer. They'd hardly left each other's sides, choosing to hole up in their flats and continue to talk. About everything. Every lingering feeling and insecurity was discussed, leaving them both feeling more secure about where they each stood with each other.

Dianne had known that Joe was an old man at heart - choosing to stay in and cook dinner and watch a film rather than going out to the pub. She secretly loved his granddad tendencies, but also enjoyed dragging him out to the park for picnics and forcing him to exercise with her every morning. They spent every evening cuddled on the sofa, every night discovering each other between the sheets, and every morning stealing kisses under the covers. They had easily reverted back to the same, easy rhythm they had begun to build before the breakdown - though this time, the connection felt deeper as their commitment to each other was clear.

They had settled into a nice rhythm, just like Doris and George had suggested. It had only been a few days, but Dianne couldn't help but feel hopeful that this was the routine they'd be dancing together forever.

"Okay?" Joe asked, his voice anxious, breaking her out of her daydream.

"Mhm?" she shook her head slightly before nodding, causing Joe to burst out laughing.

"Didn't hear a word I said, did you?" Joe grinned, leaning in to peck her lips.

"I heard you say you don't want to jeopardize what we have," she shot him a cheeky smile. "Everything after that was like that jibber jabber on the Sims."

"I honestly can't with you," Joe rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading her into the open lift.

"I still feel weird about being here," Dianne sighed, resting her head on his shoulder as they soared to the top level. "Leo is going to tell me to leave, I'm not on the board."

"I'm not either," Joe shrugged, squeezing her shoulders. "Zoe told me to bring you, though."

"I just wish she would have shared a LITTLE bit more info," Dianne frowned. "I feel like we're walking in blind. I know she's going to make the speaking tour announcement, but so much has happened in the last few I supposed to be your girlfriend or your co-conspirator?"

"Well, does it matter? You're officially both now," Joe grinned, leaning down to kiss her hairline as the door dinged and opened.


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