The Gala - Part 1

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"Joe, I don't know why you're freaking out," Zoe rolled her eyes at him through their FaceTime call. "Just wear the black one."

"But is it too fancy?" Joe replied, staring dubiously at the black suit that had been hanging in his closet for a few weeks now.

"It's a charity GALA. The word 'gala' practically means fancy," Zoe retorted. "And black is classic. It will look nice. Besides I already told Dianne you were wearing black."

Joe's jaw dropped as he watched his sister move around the office, finishing some last minute things before heading to the salon to get ready for the event. Her admission clearly not affecting her as much as it was currently affecting him.

" what now?" he glared at the phone.

"I told Dianne you were wearing black," Zoe shrugged. "I think she's aiming to coordinate, so sorry, but you have to wear it."

"I still don't like this plan," Joe groaned once the shock had worn off. "One of us is going to fuck it up."

"Nah," Zoe replied calmly, "All you have to do is pretend to like Dianne and you'll be good."

"I don't have to pretend," Joe rolled his eyes. "We're friends. It's not like I'm going to ignore her the whole time. Although she might try and do that to me..."

Zoe, who had smirked at Joe's instant response, let out a laugh at his last few words.

"I don't think she'll have to pretend either," she wiggled her eyebrows, giggling at Joe's expression. "Oh come on, lighten up, Broseph! It's nice to see you two getting along. I haven't seen you make a friend in London in...well, ever."

"I just have a bad feeling about this," Joe grumbled back, turning his attention back to the suit. "So, the black one, eh?"

"Yes. So go shower, put it on, go pick up Di, and I'll see you at the museum tonight."


Dianne let out another frustrated sigh as she stared at her two options for the evening's gala she'd laid out on her bed. She just couldn't decide. What in the world do you wear to a fancy charity gala that you were attending with your co-worker who you had to pretend was your boyfriend?

Her phone rang, startling her out of her thoughts. Swiping it to answer the FaceTime call, she grinned as she saw Zoe sat in the back of a car.

"Hiya," Zoe waved into the camera, giggling as Dianne waved back. "Thought maybe you could use some guidance on what to wear?"

Dianne's eyes widened - it was like Zoe had heard her inner dialogue and arrived just in time like a fairy godmother.

"How did you know?" she nibbled on her thumb nail, eyes darting to the two dresses laid on her bed. "I'm totally torn."

"Show me the options then," Zoe snapped her fingers, giggling.

"Okay, so there's this one," Dianne turned the phone, showing the long black dress, before moving it to the right and showing the shimmery green number. "Or this one. Both would look good with Joe's black suit."

"Green," Zoe answered instantly, causing Dianne to whirl the phone back around in surprise.

"That was quick," she quirked an eyebrow up.

"Definitely green," Zoe nodded. "I mean both will look good with Joe's suit, but the green will stand out. And it's Joe's favori..."

Dianne stared at Zoe as she trailed off, her cheeks turning pink as she clapped a hand over her mouth.

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