Confusion and Confessions - Part 2

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"How do you even know where they are in this bloody store?" Alfie mumbled as they both walked brusquely into Harrods, about twenty minutes after Joe had received Dianne's message. "It's huge!"

"I just have a feeling," Joe murmured, following the signs to the floor with women's clothing - one of his sisters favorite spots. As the lift dinged, he grinned at Alfie as three women standing just inside a glass wall came into view. The two brunettes were holding up a few dresses in front of a redhead - and Joe couldn't help but laugh at her overwhelmed expression.

"Come on," he murmured to Alfie. "Let's go save her."

"Well look who we have here," Joe spoke in a louder tone, smirking at Dianne as she jumped in surprise. Tracey and Zoe whirled around, his sister rolling  her eyes playfully and Tracey gasping with happiness as she moved forward to embrace him.

"Hi Mum," he smiled, hugging her tightly. It had been awhile since he'd seen her - and he did miss her. More than he'd ever admit.

"Oh, Joseph, look at you," Tracey pulled back and cupped his cheeks. "You look so grown up."

"Mum!" he whined, pulling his face away, "You just saw me at Christmas."

"Well you didn't have a gorgeous girlfriend then, did you?" Tracey shook her finger playfully in his face before taking a step back.

"Yeah, well, you wasted no time in stealing her away, did you, Zo?" Joe glared at his sister, who was currently staring distractedly at Alfie who was lingering awkwardly on the outskirts of the group. "Did you not think maybe I'd like to introduce my own girlfriend to Mum?"

"Hm what?" Zoe asked, tearing her eyes away to look at her brother.

"A little heads up would have been nice that you were introducing Mum to Dianne," Joe rolled his eyes, knowing he was laying it on thick as part of the act, but a small part of him was genuinely annoyed. 

"What?" Zoe replied defensively. "Don't lie, I knew you were never going to do it."

Before Joe could retort, Tracey lifted her hands into a time out position, "Oh I should have known this was a secret Zoe mission. Alright Sugg sibs, into your separate corners."

Joe heard Dianne giggle, pulling his attention back to her.  Stepping forward to wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side he landed a quick peck on her forehead, and grinned as he felt her momentarily relax into his side. He had been a little nervous showing up here, especially with how they'd left things this morning. So he was relieved that she seemed just as keen to continue their weird act in front of this group. 

He heard a sniffle, and tearing his gaze away from Dianne's big brown eyes, he found his mum nearly swooning at the sight.

"Oh you two are lovely..." she murmured, reaching up to wipe a tear out of the corner of her eye.

"Mum!" Joe laughed. "Are you serious right now?"

"I honestly just never thought I'd see the day," she mumbled, shrugging.

"You sound like Dad," Joe laughed. "I didn't realize I was such a lost cause."

He felt Dianne squeeze his midsection in reassurance, not realizing she had snaked an arm around his waist and he couldn't help but smile down at her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Anyway," Tracey took a deep, steadying breath, "I'm so glad Zoe introduced me to Dianne because she is absolutely lovely."

"Yeah, so lovely we're now going to the races?" Joe fixed a stare at his sister who was shooting an accusatory look toward Dianne.

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