Mum's House - Part 1

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"Oh there you two are!" Tracey's warm voice broke Dianne out of her deep thoughts as Joe pulled her toward the stands to sit. "Come along, we saved you two seats. We still have the big race to go."

Dianne smiled at her gratefully as she slid down the narrow bench, Joe's arm wrapping around her waist as they sat down, not going unnoticed as she instinctively shifted closer to him.

"Sorry Mum," Joe mumbled. "Got caught up with something."

Tracey shot them a curious look before smirking and turning back toward the racetrack. Dianne blushed, knowing what she was thinking - if only she knew the whole story. That Joe had rescued her from some gross men, then she had returned the favor and swooped in to rescue Joe from Leo - the man who she was secretly working to take down. All the while fake-dating her son.

Although, Dianne swallowed thickly, fake-dating didn't seem to be the accurate adjective now. Weird, strange, confusing dating, maybe.

"It's about to start," Joe's voice in her ear broke her out of her thoughts again and she straightened up to peer out at the track. She had never been to a horse race before and she was curious. As the horses stood at their gates, she watched as the gun blew, the doors dropped, and they took off.

Almost as soon as it started it was over. She gazed up at Joe who was hollering along with the crowd, an amused look on her face.

"What?" he shouted over the crowd noise, when he realized she was staring up at him.

She blinked, "Was that it?"

Joe laughed, that same big, loud belly laugh he'd been doing more and more often around her, and she felt that same warm feeling in her chest she'd been getting around him since that first kiss on the dance floor all those weeks ago. Before she knew it, he was lifting her off the ground in a bear hug, whispering in her ear, "You never fail to surprise me, Di."

She giggled against his neck before he released her. Reaching up to fix her fascinator, her eyes met Zoe's who she realized had been watching the entire interaction with a little smirk on her lips.


"So what did you think?" Joe's mum asked Dianne as they made their way out of the stadium. "Your first real horse race, right, Dianne?"

"It was...lovely," Dianne smiled politely, and Joe had to bite his tongue so he didn't laugh again.

"It was very...quick," she added, elbowing Joe who had let a snort slip out.

"Yes, I always wish they'd run them longer but that's not very nice for the horse," Tracey nodded, still not catching on to the shared looks going back and forth between the pair. "It's really about the socializing."

Dianne nodded, elbowing Joe again harder as his shoulders began to shake with silent laughter, "The socializing was very nice."

"Speaking of," Tracey continued, unfazed by Joe's snort. "Would you two like to come around mine for a roast? Zoe and Alfie are coming, and a few other friends. I meant to ask you earlier but we got separated."

Joe stopped laughing, suddenly sobered up by his mum's request. The more time they spent around family was more opportunity for them to slip up. For Dianne to feel uncomfortable playing this weird role he'd stuck her in.

"Oh that sounds lovely, we'd love to," Dianne cooed, causing Joe's head to snap up at the speed of light.

"Right, Joe?" she added, shooting him a pointed look.

"Er, yeah," he stammered. "Thanks, Mum."

"Did you not want to go?" Dianne asked in a hushed voice as they dropped back a few paces behind the group.

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