Varsity Blues // Part One

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The redhead shrugged. "Honestly, like we're gonna win."

"Munroe, what about you?"

"I'm just happy to be playing for the championship," He said.

Reggie whooped in response while Archie smacked his friend's shoulder. "He's being humble, guys," Archie said in regards to Munroe. "A recruit from Notre Dame is coming just to see him."

"That's awesome, Munroe!" I leaned forward to give him a high five. "Reggie, care to comment?" I asked as I kicked him slightly in the knee.

"You want a quote, Vanna?"

I shook my head in amusement. "Sure."

"I'll give you a quote. Stonewall sucks," He began. I chuckled at his response, completely agreeing with it though. "The only reason why they're undefeated is because they play dirty. Every team that's gone up against them this year has suffered some horrible injury."

"What do you mean?" I asked. There was no doubt in my mind that Stonewall played dirty. It would be more surprising if they didn't, in all honesty.

"I mean, they don't play to win. They play to hurt. But, they haven't gone up against our guy. Munroe." He gave said boy a fistbump in excitement. "We're gonna win, Vanna. Mark my words."

Betty reached over to stop recording the conversation. "Consider them marked, Reggie," I said as I twisted back and forth in my chair. I smacked my hands against my knees. "Now, if you don't mind me, I have a boyfriend to talk to and a Preppie to interview."

It had taken quite a bit of bargaining, but with Jughead's help, Bret agreed for a small interview that could be included in the Blue and Gold. First, though, I was due to meet my boyfriend for lunch before heading over to Stonewall.

"Ooh, you know me so well," I commented with a smile as I slid into the booth across from Jughead. A plate of fries was sitting in front of me along with a glass of water and some ketchup. "What's up?"

Jughead looked up from his plate at my arrival. "Guess who has an interview with Yale?"

"Jug!" I grabbed his hand from across the table as I spoke around the fry in my mouth. "That's amazing! I didn't think you applied though?"

He shook his head. "I didn't," He confirmed, "Apparently Mr. DuPont wormed his way into getting me an interview."

"So you're obviously gonna go and ace that interview," I stated, "You're gonna do great."

He nodded, still somewhat uncertain about the major change in his college agenda. "You're going to interview Bret after this?"

I groaned, "Please, don't remind me that I'm about to go talk to the guy who attacked you in a bunny mask. If it wasn't good drama for the piece, I wouldn't be doing it, trust me."

Jughead laughed, "Well, anything for Mr. Honey, right?"

I rolled my eyes at him before shoving another fry in my mouth. "You're poorly mistaken if you think I would listen to a damn word that man says."


Stonewall was as creepy and dim as usual as I sat in one of the common rooms across from Bret. My phone was placed on the table between us to record the interview that I was desperately hoping would go quickly.

"Full disclosure, Bret, I'm not really sure what all I'm going to ask you, but I did hear some rumors that your team plays dirty. They don't play to win, they play to hurt," I repeated Reggie's words from earlier as I stared at the blonde across from me.

"Savanna...have you ever really watched or studied football?" He asked, "Because, sweetheart, it's not a knitting circle. It's social Darwinism in uniforms." I nodded, unamused as he leaned forward to 'teach me' more about the sport. "Football is a sport of gladiators, and you win by debilitating and slaughtering your enemies."

I hummed, "Interesting. Archie described it as epic highs and lows, not a battle for death and destruction, but close enough, right?"

"Gosh, I have to go, but... you can quote me on that," He said snidely before standing up and leaving me alone.

I laughed, "You bet your ass I will, psycho. That's the only thing I got out of this waste of gas."


Betty took the ship on interviewing some of the previous players who took on Stonewall throughout the season. Needless to say, I had a strong idea that one of the Riverdale players would easily be a target from the way things were sounding.

I didn't trust one person who stepped foot in that school besides my boyfriend. The more I interacted with them, the more suspicious I became. Jughead had ensured me he was avoiding Quill and Skull, as well as Bret and Donna as much as possible. This whole Baxter Brothers contract was worth more than getting caught up in their shenanigans, that was for sure.

Currently, I was at the Pembrooke with Veronica, who had just informed me of Munroe's newly acquired injury after he was jumped outside Archie's gym.

"This has got to stop!" I huffed as I sat on Veronica's bed. "Seriously, these Stonewall assholes are causing an enormous amount of trouble and are getting off without issue!"

Veronica sighed, "Van, you know how it is. Eat the rich."

"We are rich."

"You get the point."

I groaned at her lack of help in this conversation. "I hate this. I should've never let Jughead go there and they probably wouldn't be touching Riverdale High this weekend for the game."

"You guys are not going to believe this." Betty Cooper entered the room with her notebook in hand. She looked like she had just uncovered something good and it brought my hopes up.

Veronica nodded, "Anything."

"You guys know Munroe was jumped outside of Archie's gym last night?" Betty asked, to which we both nodded. "I talked to him today. He thinks Munroe was attacked by someone from Stonewall Prep, and based on the masks they said they were wearing, it's not too far off."

"Oh, it was probably Bret," I interrupted with a groan. "Preppy blonde asshole would totally jump at a chance to ruin someone's life."

"I want to break the story in the Blue and Gold," Betty continued, "Vanna and I have gathered a decent amount of evidence, but I need solid proof or a confession."

I nodded at her idea as I continued to think about it. "Now that you mentioned it, I overheard in the halls that someone is throwing a party tonight there. It's supposed to get everyone hyped for the game. I can't get close to Bret, he's going to know me, but that doesn't mean you two can't. You guys could go, undercover, turn on your femme fatale charm, get us some info?"

"I'm down," Veronica said with no hesitation, followed along by Betty's agreement. "How are we going to get the confession, though?"

"We could wear wires," Betty suggested. "Charles would have the equipment. That way Savanna can stay here and record everything and we can slip in unnoticed."

Veronica nodded with the idea. "Absolutely. And I think I have just the tonic to help loosen Bret's lips."


dun dun dunnnn

you guys we're getting closer to the good shit 👀 i'm excited for the drama

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