Regrets (Akashi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

He made you feel loved and important, he treated you like a princess and even helped you heal your heart. You thought you'll never love after your break up, but you thought wrong.

When your heart healed (Guy's name) took this as his cue to court you and ut was a success. You became (Guy's name) girlfiend.

(Guy's name) was so popular in (Random school), heartthrob as they say. You became pessimistic, scared of being dumped again. (Guy's name) on the other side proved you wrong. He even introduced you to his parents as you did too. Your parents happily accepted him as your boyfriend. Sometimes you compare yourself from before and then. Ofcourse, you felt loved by Akashi too.. But (Guy's name) is different.

(Guy's name) invited you to watch a basketball game personally. He even bought a VIP ticket for the two of you. You began to feel anxious when you see Seirin vs. Rakuzan clearly written on the ticket and hesitated at first as (Guy's name) pleaded and assured you to protect you from your ex. That's when you realized your cousin Kuroko Tetsuya was attending Seirin too. You wanted to cheer him.


The game ended with Seirin as the winner of the WC. You were proud of how Kuroko did on the game. You walk towards the Seirin team and congratulate them personally as Kuroko introduced you to his teammates. They were fun.

You felt a stare on the other side of the court and you unconciously looked. Heterochromatic eyes met your (E/C) ones and saw him slightly smile at you as you felt a pang on your heart. He seems so lost and crying as he walks away from the court.


You were sitting on your chair writing some notes when your teacher come inside the classroom and called you.

"(L/N), there's someone outside looking for you" You stood up excitedly as you were expecting (Guy's name) visiting you in a middle of schoolday. You walked out of the classroom.

An unexpected guest walks infront of you. Your ex, Akashi Seijuuro. He told you to come with him to the rooftop. Horrible flashbacks of him began to flood over you.

As you two arrived on the rooftop he immediately started the conversation.

"(F/N).." You stared at him and signaled to continue. He stared at you too. You saw his eyes gone gentle.

"I'm sorry for what i've done before. I know i've hurted you so much. If you don't mind i wanted to b--"

"Just get to the point Akashi-san, i have something to do. And besides i fogave you long time ago" You cutted him off.

"I wanted to bring us back" He looked at you with hopeful eyes and he seems to be pleading. This was out of character for him as you looked down on the ground. You shook your head.

"Sorry, but i have a boyfriend now. He loves me so much and i love him too--" You said "and he treated me right.. He don't want me to feel like a tool" You continued. "He really loves me"

"I can do it too (F/N).. One more chance please? I'll make things right this time" You were taken aback because of the way he acts. You shook again your head.

"I'm really sorry Akashi-san.. I don't want to hurt (Guy's name) we love each other and don't want to lose him." You stepped back. "You have to move-on too Akashi-san.. In the near future i'm sure you'll find the right girl for you" You walked away and stopped infront of the door.

"If you found the girl for you. Promise me.. take care of her. Don't see her as a tool just to satisfy yourself, learn from your mistakes Akashi-san. And thank you for everything" With that you walked away leaving the boy stucked on his spot.

A tear escapes Akashi's cheeks as he heard your voice replaying over and over again in his mind.

He just didn't lose his basketball.. But his beloved (L/N) (F/N) too..

-Flashback ends-

Akashi was walking in the park alone as he saw a familiar (H/C) haired girl with a random guy smiling like there's no tomorrow, they seemed so... happy.

-His P.O.V-

If i only treated her like that guy did. Maybe she'll never leave my side...

Only if i didn't say mean things to her. Maybe i'm the one who's smiling with her instead of that guy...

But what will i do? It already happened.

This feeling of sadness, guilt and regret was eating me.

Now i really do believe the saying..

"A moment of neglect, a lifetime to regret."

(F/N), i don't think i'll find someone like you..

-Her P.O.V.-

If he only stopped me when i ran away. Maybe i'll stay with him till the end of time...

But he didn't chase me and ignored all my feelings as (Guy's name) entered my life...

And began to love him...

I don't want Akashi to be hurt too...

But he needs to learn from his mistakes...

I forgave him a long time ago...

Relationships don't end like a fairy tale. Sometimes it's worse than a curse.

Fairy tales may have happy endings but some of them end up as a trash...

So if we wanted it or not..

-Their P.O.V-

We have to move on....


Seriously, when it's raining i felt down xD That's why i hate rains... Well, this oneshot was mixed with reality and some were just created for the plot. xD

Thank you for reading this oneshot. I hope you enjoy this :)

Sorry for the feels though xD..

-jay- 12/08/14

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