Quarentine (ineffable bureaucracy)

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This was suggested by elliLaurens so I hope it's ok! :)

"I'm going out." Said beelzebub, grabbing her blazer. A large, warm hand reached out and gently grasped her arm. "Uh uh uh." Drawled Gabriel in a smooth voice. "No going outside, remember- were in quarantine, just you and me." He said slowly drifting into a haze. Beelzebub stormed off into the front room; where she angrily slumped into the sofa. Gabriel came and calmly snaked an arm around her, "it's ok, it isn't that bad staying here with me." He said, sounding slightly desperate. "No, it's not that, we can go out! We are celestials, we have no need to abide human rules- we can't even catch the virus!" She cried, exasperated. Gabriel quickly brainstormed an excuse- this was like a dream come true to him. Him, beelzebub, alone stuck inside the cozy house- together. He loved it, but beelzebub preferred to go out and wander freely around earth. "Uh- if we go out we would get arrested?" He lied at a desperate attempt to get her to stay. Luckily, she didn't know this was false and believed him. "But we could just miracle out." She argued smoothly. "Think of the paperwork!" Gabriel said, happy he had just found a strong reason. Beelzebub considered, and decided it would be best to stay in. But this could extend for six months.

Later, after they had eaten tea, they decided to watch a movie, or has Gabriel had described it to her as 'netflix and chill', she didn't have a clue what this meant but she went along with it. And so, when the time came, they miracle up some popcorn and chocolates. Gabriel dimmed the lights and switched on the TV. Beelzebub sighed, but in reality, she just wanted attention. He snuggled up closer to her and aloud her to nestle into his shoulder. He pulled up the blanket as he scrolled though the films. "How about this?" He asked, gesturing to a happy romcom. "Looking at that makes me want to throw up." Beelzebub commented blankly. "O k..." Gabriel said slowly. "How about this?" He said, pointing to another romcom. "Give it here." Snapped Beelzebub as she snatched the controller. She scrolled down to the horror section. "Oooh, let's watch this." She excitedly said, gesturing to the gory movie saw. Gabriel shook his head. She groaned and selected another horror movie. "Wait," Gabriel said before she suggested anymore horror movies. "I like romcoms, you like horror- how about a mixture?" He suggested, as Beelzebub shrugged and handed him the controller. (I had to scroll through Netflix to find one that is a mixture) "ah hah." Gabriel exclaimed. "Warm bodies, a horror romance, with a dash of comedy." He said, sounding like a chief announcing his creation. "Sure." He droned, wrapping her arms around him. He felt his heart rate quicken, so he fastened his arm around her waist.

They sat back together, Gabriel had miracled some fairly lights, to create a more romantic atmosphere. The two main characters kissed, a long passionate kiss. So Gabriel and Beelzebub looked at each other and locked eyes. They looked back at the screen and once again to each other. They knew what one and other were thinking. Beelzebub shrugged and pulled him in for a kiss. Gabriel almost discorporated. They pulled out and hugged each other. Beelzebub later fell asleep on Gabriel- she was glad she didn't leave.

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