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I'm writing this because I swear if it doesn't snow in the uk where I'm from this year imma die :) but I thought the ineffable hubbys deserve some snow ;)
It was freezing. Crowley and Aziraphale walked their usual routine to the st.James park bench that they sat on almost every day, through our history- it had became their own little special place. Aziraphale talked to Crowley absentmindedly focused on walking, so much so that he didn't notice that Crowley was practically freezing to death. "-isnt it Crowley?" He asked after stating a question Crowley had been to cold to acknowledge. "Crowley?" He asked turning to the demon- his skin was a pale shade of white and his lanky body was trembling and shaking as he had his arms wrapped around his black blazer for warmth. "Crowley dear? Are you cold?" He asked concerned. "No,no,no," He said wanting to sound cool in front of the angel, yet failing due to the shaking in his voice. Aziraphale tilted his head and raised his eyebrows at him. At this point Crowley's teeth where physically chattering. "Why are you that cold my dear? You have about 5 layers on!" He exclaimed surprised. "I'm a s-snake remember- I'm not m-meant to be in the c-c-cold." He chattered. "Oh dear." Said Aziraphale sympathetically. "Come here." He said opening his arms gesturing for Crowley to come to him. His heart skipped a beat as he edged closer and was wrapped with two warm and soft arms. His breath hitched. "Let's go back to the book shop." Aziraphale said warmly. "Y-yeah, ok." Said Crowley dreamily as his heart fluttered.

He steered them the other direction all the while having his hands wrapped around Crowley. "Oh my dear, you really are freezing!" He exclaimed. Crowley let out what was meant to be a chuckle but didn't quite make it out of his frozen blue lips. Soon, they where back at the warm and cozy book shop. Aziraphale laid Crowley out on the sofa and fetched a tartan blanket. He miracles up a roaring fire and hurried away to make hot chocolate, the red headed demons secret favorite, with extra cream, sprinkles, and marshmallows. He wondered in five minutes later, "there you are dear your-" he stopped in shock as he was greeted by the sight of a large, black, reptile with an orange stomach basking in the heat- yet when it noticed Aziraphale, it's scales around his face seemed to glow red. "I'm ssssorry angel," the snake hissed. "I have been trying ssssso hard not to transform all day." He said embarrassed. "Oh, dear." Whispered Aziraphale softly. "Angel," he hissed "could you sit with me- or- well- I mean, can I sit on you?" He asked shyly. "Of course my dear!" He cried, excitedly hurrying over. Crowley's heart skipped a beat as the angel suddenly lifted him up and took his spot on the also tartan sofa. "Get comfortable dear." He offered kindly. Crowley looked up once more as if double checking for any sign of regret on his angels face- none. He slowly slithered into Aziraphale- he was warm. Crowley was in heaven. "Is that comfortable dear?" He asked warmly. Crowley sleepily nodded a few seconds prior to falling asleep on the angels lap, as he stroked his cold scales.

Later, Crowley awoke. He noticed sun streaming through the windows. His eyes adjusted from the blur and he was greeted by Aziraphale looking down on him- as Crowley appeared to be lying across his lap- but in human form. "Good morning dear." He  whispered smiling. Crowley looked down at him self. Shit. He thought. He panicked and as his head finally came to its senses (bold of me to assume he has any) and bolts up. "I am so sorry angel, I was so cold I didn't mean to transform and I didn't even know I transformed back into a human-" he ranted before being shushed by Aziraphale. "It's ok, my dear boy." He said fondly. "Of course I don't mind- In fact, I would love it if you would um, well- lie back down with me?" He asked nervously "only if you want to of course!" He added quickly. Crowley.exe stopped working. "Y-yeah, I would l-love to." He Said blankly. He sat back down and was instantly grabbed gently by the angel as they sank down together once again.

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