Chapter Six [Bad News, New Relationships]

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---------Drake's POV-----------------------

I never felt so okay despite the tour going on hiatus.

"So, um, what are you guys doing here?" Emalee pulled back after a minute and sat down, her cheeks flushed and I felt a little giddy.

"We were just looking for something to eat. But I guess Kris didn't want all our fans to know.." I trailed off, looking down at my hands.

"Know.. What?" She sipped her water, not looking at my eyes, but more like my whole body, well, what was showing above the table top. I realized what I was wearing. Grey TOMS, ratty and threaded blue jeans, and a plain white T-shirt with my goggles thrown around my neck. Not embarrassing at all.  

"Well, that we'd be cutting," I cleared my throat, "That we'd be cutting the tour short." I sighed, Emalee looked crestfallen.

"I'm sorry, I'm glad I got to meet you though." She mumbled, looking down at the clear cup with a red face and dark green eyes. 

"It's not your fault, and I'm really glad to have met you," Smiling, I grabbed one of her small, pale hands and traced a small scar that was shaped like an X between her thumb and forefinger.

"Uhm," Was all she said, looking at me with an innocent face, making me laugh. I realized that caught everyone's attention, but I still had my hand over hers, even when I heard perverted jokes pass around, I know they were just trying to cheer up.

----------------------Brandon's POV---------------------------------------------

I was the one starting the perverted jokes, but I probably shouldn't have. That waitress, Meagan, could've heard and I would have seemed like an ass, but fuck Christopher and his damn little love. Acid burned my thoughts and envy. I really was the jealous type. 

"Earth to Brandon?" Brady pushed me, I rolled my eyes and snapped.

"What?" He flinched back and got a little annoyed.

"Just wanted to know if you were going to order desert, Kris was going to buy," Brady got up and went to, what I assumed, was the bathroom. I sighed, not wanting to seem like a total jerk.

"You ok man?" Robby put an arm on my shoulder, I shrugged and sighed.

"Yeah, just tired." Of Christopher, my mind thought bitterly, and Emalee.

"Why don't we all get something filled with enough chocolate to drown a school?" Kris laughed as the waitress came over, he ordered, like, ten sundae brownies. I flashed a smile at Meagan and she blushed.

"They'll be out soon," She hurried into the backroom, I watched her leave with my eyes focused on the way she took every step carefully, like she wasn't trying to trip over her own feet. A laugh escaped and earned a few looks, but I shrugged and took a gulp of my Sprite.

"Why don't you just ask her out already," Brady came back and whispered at me. He looked like Drake way too much.  

"Maybe because I won't ever see her again?" I glared at him, he shook his head.

"That isn't going to stop them." He lolled his head over to the two people in the corner, who were now chatting about random things. 

"That's because.." I stopped, not being able to think of a good remark. Brady raised a brow and I just gave him a glare before returning to the rest of the guys. 

"Wow, really?" Kris looked wide-eyed at Bryan, who was nodding his head.

"Miranda? The one who films interviews sometimes?" Robby inquired, Bryan nodded again.

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