Chapter 16 🥺

Comincia dall'inizio

Jaden: yeah ok

Eve: Are you okay?

Jaden: mhm

Eve: Jaden what's wrong

Jaden: I gtg bye
He hung up before waiting for me to say bye

I was so confused why was he ignoring me I sat on the bed rethinking everything that happened today I knew I wasn't paying attention to Jaden but my brother was literally poisoned

He came in later and laid on the bed ignoring me again

Eve: What the hell is wrong with you

He kept ignoring me

Eve: Jaden why are you ignoring me

He still didn't answer

Eve: Jaden what's wrong
I said trying to grab his hand but he pulled it away
Eve: Jaden..

I started crying and that's when he finally looked up at me and hugged me

Jae: babyyy no don't cry I'm sorry

And that's ladies and gentlemen is how to win an argument with a guy they literally can't bare to see you cry

Eve: no you have been ghosting me and it hurts Jaden

Jae: Im sorry bubba I just was really mad that you weren't paying attention to me the entire day I just got jealous all your patiences and time were going towards Anthony you didn't even notice that I was gone

Eve: I know my attention was all towards Anthony but he got poisoned and I was worried I am sorry Jaden I just was too stressed

Jae: Just dont ghost me again
He said kissing my head s

Eve: I won't

I pulled away and gave him a quick kiss

Anthony was sleeping the entire time he was like deadly tired

I cuddled with Jaden in bed and he wrapped his hands around my body pulling me closer to him

"I love you" was all I was thinking about it was how I truly felt I've never liked a guy like that my entire life

Jae: I love you baby

Eve: I love you too Jae

I was playing with his fingers until I fell asleep

I saw Anthony standing in the bathroom drinking water

Eve: hey your up

Ant: well duh

Eve: bitch your so rude

Ant: I am sorry I had to stuck you two in one bed

Eve: oh haha no it's fine

Eve: little do you know we sleep like that everyday
I mumbled under my breath

Ant: what was that?

Eve: nothing

Ant: Isn't it odd Jaden wasn't around yesterday

Eve: oh ya he came later that night

Ant: that's weird because you guys are glued together or something
Anthony said rolling his eyes

Eve: Ant you aren't jealous of Jaden are you?

Ant: No maybe yes idk

Eve: oh my lord

Ant: I barely get to talk to you Eve you are my twin sister you are my only family and Jaden is clearly taking you from me

Eve: bruh you could just talk to me or smt plus I wasn't the one yelling when one of us was checking on the other

Ant: I know Eve I am sorry okay

Eve: it's nothing Antman

He hugged me and then pulled away

Ant: our last show here then another 5 our trip

Eve: it's exhausting

Ant: Do you know that you have 3M on TikTok

Eve: wait what?! Me? 3m

Ant: yeah people really like you

Ant: you should try to achieve your dream

Eve: idk like being a rockstar is great but idk

Ant: Jaden wants to be a rockstar too so why don't you two do smth

That's when I felt arms being wrapped around my waist and someone hugging me from behind kissing my cheek

Ant: I know I agreed to this but don't do it in front of me

Me and Jaden start laughing while Anthony rolls his eyes

Ant: you two will be great rockstars

Jae: wait whaaaaaaaaat you no one told me you can sing rock

Eve: well surprise

Jae: awww we have the same dream

Eve: stop being adorable

Ant: you two stop flirting go get a room and use protection please

I give him a goodbye hug
Eve: Ant wait

Ant: yeah

Eve: let's hangout tonight

Ant: okay, I love you

Eve: I love you too

I walked back in to Jaden standing crossing his hands to his chest

Jae: I didn't even get a good morning kiss

I walked closer to him and gave him a quick kiss I pulled away but he pulled me in again

The kiss got deeper and deeper he laid me on the bed kissing my neck moving down my collarbone leaving hickeys behind him before we knew it Jaden was putting on a condom

Did I just lose my virginity to Jaden? Yes

Do I give a fuck? No

Some hot stuff there 👀

Anyway if you are enjoying this story drop a vote, we love you all

1318 words

Xoxo, Sarah

Double Trouble - Anthony ReevesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora