Chapter 28: Retracing To Oblivion: Part 2

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"What do you want me to do?" She crossed her arms and fell back on her chair as she took a big bite of her equally big sandwich.

"Find physicists, mathematicians and your engineer employees to work on it! We have a HUGE expedition to make!"

The atmosphere was charged with excitement as they discussed on the matter further.

A little later Samara asked, "What about that call earlier? Is it related to any of this?" Her sandwich was now almost finished and the admiral's bucket was long empty with him licking on his leftover dip, his long tongue coming out and taking scoops out of the tiny container.

"That call was for the supply of our buddies!" he motioned at his model of S.O.H. He smiled back on his display.

"So, you have managed to acquire a whole troop of bots? S.O.H at that?"

"No. Not only S.O.H. A variety of bots. The S.O.H bots would be stationed near the entrance of the wormhole to receive back data. The others would search for the IMG. I would confirm the purchase once you and your pals are ready." He showed a thumbs up to signify it.

"But, you said that Afterlife was the biggest universe. How can you manage to find them there? Any luck on that part?"

That changed his expression. Apparently he had not thought of that or investigated on the matter. He brought his attention back to his lemonade and finished it. Then, glancing back at Samara, he said with hope, "We will find a way, trust me. And when we find it, only then will I confirm the purchase of the robots. Otherwise it'd be a wastage of money. You all being ready isn't simply enough. I need everything to be perfect and the plan to be ready to the most minute detail." That was more of an order and Samara made sure she abided as said.

For the rest of the day, they held announcements, explaining to the employees about the real fate that had met the IMG. Night fell, and finally everyone was ready to work on the idea. Though some looked at each other uncertain about how they were going to find them but when they realised how much information the admiral was able to gather, they had high hopes he would find a way to reach them too.

With that resolution taken, they set forth to numerous science facilities to have a talk with the scientists who could make this dream of revival of the IMG, a reality.


"Mom?" Jenna called from her bed. It was about time for her to go to sleep, yet she fiddled with her flex-tech.

"Yes honey?" her mother replied from nearby.

"Is daddy home?"

Though she was a perceptive and observant individual, she felt that she might have not heard her father come in due to her attention being focused at her hand held device.

"No sweetie. You know him, he's probably doing overtime again." Annoyance emitted from her mother's tone.

"He's the head! Why the hell does he have to do overtime?" Jenna contested.

"Well, few people do their work with as much devotion as your father." She had admired this quality in her husband. "I have come to know that over the years. That is the reason, sweetie. I would ask him to take you to some place in the weekend. He has given awfully low exposure to you lately."

After finishing her chores, Edna went upstairs to look at her daughter. She was now comfortably laid in her bed, sleepy at last. Edna smiled and sat by the side of her bed. She caressed her head and said, "Sleep well, sweetheart. You know daddy loves you."

"I want to go to the new amusement park that opened at Daradens." She ordered, her eyes still closed.

Edna chuckled. "Sure Jenny, sure. I would make sure he takes you there." She then turned off the lights in her room and exited.

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