Bowser dosent stop there. I beckoned you every one of your reincarnations before you to come to me. Asleep in my coffin I knew your blood could wake me up. Well eventually one of your reincarnations did come to me. Completely and utterly in love with me did you fall. That is until Mario in one of his past lives found out. Oh it was bad. I was put to sleep again after being newly awoken. You were sentenced to death for witchcraft. How original. Mario has had a hatred of me for ten thousand years. It will only continue to grow and fester. This time he wasn't sure I was even a vampire. He thought I was reincarnated to" bowsers says laughing a deep evil hearty laugh.

"How stupid of him. Kamek's potion only helped me to become who I truly am quicker. It would have happened eventually after we got married. The need to mate. To continue the species would have brought my true self out. Kameks potion did the work this time" Bowser cackles. "How does it feel knowing your brother has been doing this to you for ten thousand years in an endless cycle of reincarnation. Don't worry though. I intend to break it. By turning you, you won't be reincarnated no more unless killed. Ha! I've waited ten thousand years to have you in my arms. To bear my children, to help me rule, now that time has finally come" Bowser finishes his story with glee.

My head is definitely reeling now. All the new information processing. Slowly but surely. "Oh I almost forgot" Bowser starts again. This time a gleam in his eye. "you and Baby Luma along with Rosalina have known each other for centuries. They to have watched as you have been reincarnated time after time. Isn't that right Baby Luma" I hear bowser question the Apricot luma. Luma dosent say anything. Until he finally answers. "That's right, We have all known each other for a long time. Although for some reason you have no memory of it. Mario has memories of all his past incarnations" Luma day telepathically to Me.

Defeated. That's how I feel. I feel betrayed by everyone around me. "So was capturing peach not ever an accident. You did it on purpose to get to me didn't you" I question bowser who stares blankly before a big grin smile is on his face. "Oh yes. That is true. Peach also has some history to. Like how Rosalina is her mother. I know you didn't know that. Rosalina during the one time she came to earth got pregnant by an unknown man. There peach can live for hundreds of years because she took after her mother" bowser says. Looking up at Luma I feel tears sting my eyes as all the history makes so much sense. Down the everything.

"Bowser. Why are you telling me this. You could have kept it secret just like Mario has. Luma why didn't you tell me anything at all? You could have kept it secret" I say to both of them. They look at me as if I've grown two heads. "I told you because" bowser starts then stops. A silence has settled over us before continued. "I told you because you needed to know. Mario was never going to tell you. Oh and if you know how I know all of this. One of my most trusted vampires, Ludwig, who also was always a vampire, just turned into a normal koopa before I returned him into vampire told me everything that was happening. From you all the way to peach and Rosalina being mother and daughter" Bowser said.

"How do you think I've been able to keep up with the last ten thousand years. It also takes a vampire a couple thousand to mature into an adult. We live for hundred of thousands of years Luigi. I technically cannot die. Only be put into a state of hibernation" Bowser says a big smile, a dark smile etched onto his face. "Why are you really here Baby Luma" I hear bowser ask. Luma dosent answer right away just stares into space, then does something that is very surprising. He speaks. Non-telepathically.

"I'm here to help him. Mama dosent want you to turn him into a monster. She also is prepared to fight you after what you did to the Comet observatory" Luma tells bowser a Spirited look in his eyes. Bowser lets out a cackle of glee. "You think that cosmic witch could stop me? Ha! Nothing on this planet can. The planet could be set ablaze or destroyed by a meteor and I would still survive. I can even breathed in space" bowser says with happiness. "Oh yes almost forgot somethings Luigi. I captured Mario and the others for sole reasons. Mario Is now technically on par with me in terms of strength. Now in immortality we'll he is still mortal. Peach is technically had Longevity. Wario and Waluigi those two idiots also have longevity. So does toadette and Kamek. That dumb Magikoopa helping the enemy. You know why he woke me up. Because he was bored" Bowsers face shows no emotion this while he speaks.

"So The reason they are all in the dungeon is because they are two dangerous to be let out. I had to make sure they weren't scheming to take me down. Oh and if Mario walks you down the isle at our wedding it will be in chains. Guards flanking every side. I won't kill him because then he could be reincarnated extremely fast." Bowser says. Finally I know all of the truth. A silence that is comfortable settles over us. I just lay back on the bed hold Luma close to my chest, and just stare at the ceiling while bowser stares down at me. Saying nothing we just stay like that as day hours turn into night.

A/N: okay I know I've been updating every day now. Sometimes 3 times a day. Tell me what you think of this chapter. Truly I want to know. I wanted to make it very dark. I could always make it darker :) :) :) foreshadowing is welcome. So is my inbox.

Love Bites Don't it (Bowser x Luigi)Where stories live. Discover now