"The ogling?" Yuma raised his brows, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Todoroki seemed to be even more confused, "Ogling?" He tilted his head, "What does that mean?"

It was Yuma's time to be confused. Oh my God, "Are you being serious right now?" Todoroki gave no reaction to his question, "The waitress was checking you out?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Todoroki immediately turned away, but Yuma noticed the quick reaction. So he did know what checking out mean, but not what ogling meant? It almost made him laugh.

Their little conversation was interrupted when the waitress came back with their orders, "Here you go." She placed their bowls in front of them and slid the bill towards Todoroki, obvious numbers on the front of it.

The woman left and Yuma covered his mouth with his palm in a futile attempt to stifle his laughter, "Oh my God. She's so bold!" He whisper-yelled, watching as Todoroki's ears lightly flushed, "Don't you come here often? Has she not done something like that before?" He asked, barely able to keep himself calm.

"This is my first time seeing her. She must be new." Todoroki replied, sounding as serious as ever. Seriously... Yuma didn't expect something like that to happen, "Let's just eat..." Todoroki trailed off, taking his chopsticks in hand.

Yuma instantly agreed and glanced down at his meal. He had never tried 'soba' before, but it looked really nice. He broke his chopsticks apart and dug in. The moment he bit into the noodles, he noticed the difference from regular noodles. These ones were more... grainy and chewy than the others—not that it was a bad thing. It tasted really nice!

"Is this your first time eating soba?" He heard Todoroki ask.

"Yes. I've never had the opportunity to eat any kind of Asian food back in France, so this is a whole new experience for me." He admitted, glancing at the noodles.

"Are you mixed? You don't look French," Todoroki's bold statement briefly caught Yuma off guard and the boy seemed to realise that, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Yuma shook his head, "No, it's fine. Yeah, I'm mixed. My mom was Japanese and I've spent the first four years of my life here in Japan." He answered, averting his eyes.

"Did you move after your quirk activated?"

Mahiru's unresponsive state flashed through Yuma's mind and he nodded, "Yes. My father decided it would be best to move back to France."

"That must have been a change."

A change? "Not really. I was four, so I barely remembered anything about this place. But..." he trailed off, not sure if he should say it, "... after I landed in Japan, it kind of felt familiar. Like I was home after spending so much time away. I don't know..."

He still wasn't used to talk about his life like that with someone, but it somehow felt all right at the moment.

"I think I understand."

It felt relieving that he could, "Enough about me. Were you going somewhere earlier?" He took another bite of the soba, finding himself really enjoying them. Japanese food was more to his taste than French.

Todoroki went silent. Not expecting that to happen, Yuma looked at him taken aback at his silence. Todoroki was looking down at his bowl, making no move to answer. Was it a... sensitive topic? Was he going somewhere important?

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's fine."

And he didn't.


𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now