Chapter One

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            I couldn’t think to look out my window. I knew he was there. The headlights that came through my front window, bright blue in colour. The money he stole from me, the money that I am with a lawyer to try and get back got him a new car and I knew that he wanted more. My dad was always a greedy bastard. He knew better than to go to his son, my brother. He knew that my brother would not take any of it, would probably place him in the hospital just for trying.

            I jumped and held a hand over my mouth as a heard my father slam on the front door. All the lights were off except for the girl’s bedroom where their nightlight was on. I learned the lesson that after they went to bed that I would turn out the lights to make it seem like we were asleep or that we weren’t home. There were a lot of crazies after me. My dad, my ex boyfriend. My dad would give up after a while if no one answered unless he was really angry.

            Unfortunately, I was sure that tonight was one of those nights. I turned off the television in my bedroom and I edged closer to the front door, but still was hidden by a wall if he tried to look through my windows.

            “Open this fucking door, Natalia or I swear to God I will knock it down like the last time,” I heard him growl.

            And I knew that he would. The last time that he threatened this I didn’t believe him and he tried banging down my door with a sludge-hammer.

            I heard the sound of my daughters moving from bed. They knew to stay quiet from times like this. They were scared too.

            I saw Lucia first, followed shortly by Maria. They were holding hands while also using their other arms to hold their stuffed animals. Maria was holding a bunny, Lucia was holding a kitten. I looked at them and tried to give them a comforting smile as I heard my father slam on the door a couple more times. They gave me a hug and I wrapped my arms around them.

            “Back to bed. It’s alright,” I tried to comfort them.

            They shook their head and I sighed. Both of them were four and they had more nights of terror than a child should have in their lifetime between my father and theirs. I picked both of them up. I had gotten used to carrying my twin girls from the time that they were born. I took them to my room before putting on my lamp light at the lowest volume so that the dark wouldn’t scare them more. The shouts were enough.

            I was almost out. I got offered a job as a school teacher in Charming, where my brother was. I already made the arrangements with him. Summer just started and at the end of it he promised me that he would help me pack and move to a house there. We were supposed to move by August so that I could look at open houses.

            The problem was, and both of us knew this, we didn’t think that it would be alright to wait until August.

            After placing my girls into bed, I grabbed my phone and I turned on the television to a kid’s channel to help comfort them as I made my way to the bedroom doorway so that they would be able to see me, but wouldn’t be able to hear me.

            Dialing the number, I held my breath as I waited for him to pick up. It wasn’t too late. Only ten. I knew that the girls would sleep in. It would take them a while after my dad left for them to actually get to sleep. I was glad they no longer had school so that they were no longer exhausted going to it. On really bad nights, I would drop them off on the half hour so that they could sleep in since they were up most of the night. My co-workers didn’t favour me making special cases for my daughters, but they meant more to me than my job.

            I heard him pick up with a gruff voice and I asked, “Hap?”

            Even through the phone I could tell he was alert, “what’s wrong?”

            The fear in my voice even scared me as I flinched again when I heard my dad shouting, “wake the fuck up I know you’re in there. Don’t make me get my axe.” He slammed on my door more for good measure.

            “Dad’s here,” I whispered back.

            “I could hear him through the phone,” his voice was rougher than normal, “you and the girls okay.”

            “He hasn’t gotten in. They are scared. I have them in my room,” I updated him as I moved to look at the front door. Through the shadows outside I could see my dad trying to look through the blinds in the windows, “I’m scared Hap I think he might break the windows again.”

            I heard my dad slam on the glass again and I jumped, holding the hand over my mouth so that I wouldn’t scream. I had double curtains and a thick pair of blinds for my room so I knew no light would be able to get out if my dad decided to go into the back yard, which would be hard but he has done it before.

            “Call the police. I’ll start riding up tonight, get shit straightened out,” I heard him say.

            “What about Clay?” I asked.

            “I’ll talk with him. As far as I know he shouldn’t be needing me for the next couple of days until things come up,” he answered.

            I sucked in my breath when I heard my dad start slamming on the glass again.

            “Call the police, Natalia,” Happy growled, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 7

            I nodded before remembering that he couldn’t see me and I told him in a whisper, “okay.”

            “I’ll see you and the girls as soon as I can.”


            I hung up and looked at my two girls who were trying to watch the television show. Three years old and they already knew what to do to try and keep their minds off of the horrors around them. I sighed and dialed 911.

            I heard the sirens down the road just in time as I heard the something slam hard against my front door.

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