Chapter Five

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(hey readers. I know that it's been forever since I've updated this story. I have ideas for this story but I'm having trouble connecting them and leading up to the events. I hope that you like the chapter. Tell me what you think. :) Also, I want to say that I will try and update soon but I am going through a hard time right now. I have lots of nerve damage in my one arm (well both but one is more significant) and with my left hand I'm starting to get Carpal Tunnel and in two of my fingers I have major knots in my nerves and such to a point where I can barely move them at all. It's been getting better with the starting of my treatment, but it's still hard for me to use a laptop/computer. Sorry about the wait again.) 


            Happy pulled the truck over across the street from a house where in front of the lawn was a FOR SALE sign in bright flashy colours. I looked at the house from his window, moving and craning my neck before I raised my eyebrows. I said in a kind of warning voice, "Hap..."

            He looked over at me and shrugged before grunting as he opened the door and got out. I undid my seatbelt and did the same. For the day Happy had made some appointments with a couple of realtors so that both of us and the girls could look at some potential houses. Happy insisted on using one of the cleaner trucks from work since he was so cramped up in my car. I thought that it was a good idea. Not an ideal way to spend a Saturday, but this needed to get done sometime or another. And the sooner I got a house the sooner I'd be out of Happy's. I loved my brother, but his house was meant for one person/a couple as a starter house.

            Lucia and Maria were both excited to look over the houses. Happy tried to convince me to leave them with Jax and Tara, but I immediately said no. Firstly, I wanted to know what the girls thought of the houses and if they were comfortable in them. Also, meeting Jax and Tara and the rest of Happy's other family three days ago was nice and I did like Tara, I wasn't about to just leave Lucia and Maria with people I had just met. Happy trusted them and I knew that, but I was still hesitant. Hell the first time I left the girls alone with our mother I was still a bit hesitant to do so.

            Three days ago went well after my little talk with Opie. I was quiet at first before Kozik started talking to me and getting some people to join in. All of the guys seemed really nice. I learned quickly that Happy and Clay were the scariest ones there and one most definitely was on my side and I trusted him completely. I mostly stuck around Happy and Kozik and they would keep me in conversation when going to some of the other guys. I would check over at the kids every once in a while and I would often see the girls having fun playing with Abel while Tara held the baby and walked around. Little Thomas was adorable. I sometimes missed Lucia and Maria being that small.

            When supper came around I was happy to go outside and sit on some chairs in a circle, beers all around with some tales being told. Happy was on one side of me with Kozik on the other, the girls at my feet at their request as they ate their hotdogs and a juice box. Afterwards, they went to play in the sandbox with Abel again. I watched them from afar as I silently listened to the stories and talk that the guys made. I was happy with not talking too much. Once in a while they would ask me something and I would answer, but it was mostly them talking and me hoping to warm up to them.

            Now, looking at this house, I knew that moving into Charming and with my relation to Happy, I was going to be seeing a lot of them.

            I opened one back door while Happy opened the other. Lucia already had her seatbelt off and I picked her up out of the booster seat and held her at my hip while Happy did the same with Maria and held her hand as we both shut the doors and he locked the truck. Putting the keys in his pocket, he grinned as Maria looked both ways on the street and said, "no cars! We can cross!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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