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Yoo! My marshmallows! Welcome back to our world


Tine was in the deep thought as he sat on the ground. He was eating the snacks which he actually bought for Sarawat. Sarawat would look at Tine in between and would wonder what was going inside his mind.

"Sarawat? Are you asexual?" Sarawat played the wrong tone as he was shocked by Tine's question.

"I mean you're not attracted to girls nor to cutie pie like me plus baby Sarawat won't react so.." Sarawat felt like crying when he saw Tine so serious about the question.

"Tell me Sarawat! Why don't you like me?" Tine frowns as he watches Sarawat.

"Tine, Are you attracted to me only sexually?" Sarawat asked making Tine's widen and shook his head

"No! I swear I really like you! And I won't lie because lying is bad. Type would break my leg" Tine shivered as he remembered one time he lied to Type and went to play with his friends, Type dragged him back while pulling his ear and made him sit on knees for an hour.

"Then why do you expect me to love you back in that way? If you are into me sexually then let's get over it right now" Sarawat puts his guitar and walks near Tine. He bends down and stares into Tine's eyes who was looking back innocently.

Sarawat wanted to scare Tine but Tine was looking at him so innocently that it made him change his mind. He covers Tine's eyes with his hand and sighs.

"I really like Sarawat" Tine didn't try to fight with Sarawat and said making Sarawat smile slightly but Tine couldn't see it.

"You're too blunt for my heart" Sarawat whispers to himself.

"Stop being weird and maybe I will like you" Sarawat told Tine before removing his hand and going back to practice his guitar.

"Weird? What weird! I'm perfectly normal" Tine whines, making Sarawat roll his eyes.

"Yes, buffalo you're normal, I'm crazy one" Sarawat said sarcastically

"There, there Sarawat, don't be sad. Not everyone can be perfect as me. It's okay" Tine said making Sarawat laugh, he couldn't stop himself.

"Yay! I made you laugh! Do you feel close to me now?" Tine asked excitedly, making Sarawat stunned for a second as he stares Tine's happy face

"Tine.. stop hanging out with Green" Sarawat whispers loud enough for Tine to hear him.

"Why are you after Green?? Do you like him secretly??" Tine asked in anger, he was pouting as he looked at Sarawat for an answer.

Sarawat really felt like he was dealing with a child, he thought for awhile how to explain Tine so he understands and plus doesn't throw tantrums.

"No, I don't but I think you try to make me like you without others help, just by your effort... you understand what I mean?" Sarawat asked hopefully that Tine understood what he meant.

"Then This Mr Chic guy challenges you that I will make you fall for without anyone's help! Be ready ready for my attack Mr Arrogant!" Tine makes heart with hand for Sarawat, Sarawat slapped his own forehead.

"Why I'm Mr. Arrogant?" Sarawat asked in irritation.

"Because you got natural bitch face while I'm a cute baby"

"Because you got natural bitch face while I'm a cute baby"

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Mr Chic Vs Mr ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now