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Hii! My....... I don't know what to call you so its dash dash dash....

Here update!

In Football Field....

Tine was busy screaming like banshee every time Sarawat scored, Sarawat would look at Earth and give him a smug look. They have divided the group into two, one side Sarawat and another side Earth.

"P'Nai!!! Look! Sarawat scored again! " Tine shouts in happiness, Tanai smiles and cheers for Sarawat too causing Earth to be more displeased.

After the half game, the team took a small break. Sarawat was already Tine's side as both were bickering over the last bottle of apple honey juice. Tine was the one who was wailing while Sarawat was holding it high and smirking.

Tine would jump to get the bottle but won't let him.

Tanai looks at them in worry, he was about to stop them when Earth stood in front of him blocking his view. Both stare at each other without saying anything, Tanai starts feeling shy and looks down.

"Tanai.." Earth called Tanai's name, making him look back at him in surprise.

"I.. Mark said you needed my help" Earth said awkwardly as he didn't know how to start the conversation. Tanai was puzzled for a while and then he remembered that his friend Mark told him about someone named Earth who can help him with club issues.

"Earth?" Tanai asked, making Earth nod his head happily as Tanai called his name. Tanai smiles softly, making Earth feel dazed.

"How about we meet tomorrow for lunch? You look tired" Tanai said in worry when he saw Earth all sweaty. He takes out his handkerchief and wipes Earth's face. Earth's eyes widen, he looks at Tanai without blinking.

"Thank you for agreeing to help me"

"No problem at all! My treat, let me treat you lunch tomorrow" Earth couldn't stop smiling and sighs in bliss. Tanai nods and smiles softly.

"I have to go back, cheer for me?" Earth asked shyly.

"Fighting! I will cheer for you" Tanai replies, making Earth grins.

Football Team...

They all watch their two strongest players who were right now smiling and laughing like madmen around their respective wives.

"So, we have two sister-in-laws?" One of them asked Sarawat who was coaxing Tine because Tine was ignoring him for drinking the juice.

"Even P'Earth is sold out" Someone whispers pointing at Earth who has a huge grin on his face.

"Well, now may be they reduce practice time since both will be busy. '' The one who delivered snacks to Tine said excitedly, making others nod in happiness.


"Sarawat!! You can do it! Kick! kick! My resting face prince" Sarawat pretended to scowl but instead he was pleased, he ran quickly to steal the ball from the opposing team.

"Fighting! Earth" Tanai shouted making Earth's confidence boost, he steals the ball from Sarawat and kicked it in the net.

"Phee! Why are you cheering for the opposing team?" Tine asked in confusion.

"He's my friend, that's why" Tanai replies, making Tine nod.

"Then, you cheer for your Sarawat. I will cheer for my friend okay?" Tine said excitedly, Tanai smiled and let Tine do as he wished.

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