~Part 2~

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    We only get to see our father once a month for typically a week. We would alternate between him visiting us here in Brunei and us going to visit him. Sometimes, this isn't the case when our parents are busy with country affairs. Despite the long distance, we still maintain a strong family bond.

    "How about all of you allow me to speak instead of cutting me off", my mother said quite sternly. We just apologised. She continued "All of you will be coming with me because this meeting will be between me and abah. So, we will have a little bit more time to spend together". Words can't express the happiness we felt after that statement.

    "Ibu! Ibu! I can see abah!" I heard Simpur say enthusiastically. Looking out the plane's window, I could see him standing behind whom I believed was a representative. I guess this was what my mother meant when she said we would be welcomed on arrival since we came for a diplomatic meeting with our own representative. "Sabit?" "Hmm?" I responded to my mother's call. "Could you help your siblings to take their bags? I've got a few things to check on". "Of course, ibu!"

    We just got off the aeroplane as the representative was being greeted by the other one. The moment we stepped on the ground I heard the twins shout with joy "Abah!!!". Then, they preceeded to run towards our father's direction. I didn't know why, but my body decided to follow suit. We all tackled him, almost making him fall. Our joy was turned to embarrasment when he said "All of you were supposed to walk behind ibu". We looked around to see our mother slowly approaching and the representatives, all staring at us in shock.

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