1: Jee, Thanks For The Black Eye

Start from the beginning

I stared down at my desk. I could feel them all staring at me. All six of them Dylan, Jackson, Mark, Josh, Matt, and Harry. Glancing up, I saw they were all giving me the same, stupid immature smirks and chuckles.

"Maybe. . .Jessica Davis, April Danvers..and *Cough. Cough.* Belle Moore? *Cough.*" Dylan laughed loudly, and just hearing his maniacal laugh made me wince.

A few classmates laughed along with him, but I stayed quiet. I thought to myself, "Why don't you just punch the dick in the face?"

And I knew the answer to that question very well. I would never stick up to Dylan, because. . . well, I was used to it. Besides, they were right. No one was going to chase after me. I was way too ugly for anyone.  I've been coldly informed of my "fantastic" looks by everyone, even my own mother. So it's not like I've ever expected anyone to want me. .

Why would they?

"Just look at her. . . She's gross as hell," one of them whispered, chuckling at the same time. I tensed at the word "gross." The rest of the class laughed, except for Louis and Niall, whose laugh I loved hearing the most.

"Alright, guys! That's enough," Harry blurted out. His voice was strong and mellow as usual. Everyone's heads bolted in his direction. His emerald green eyes gave me a long glance. The teacher gave Harry a small smirk of approval.

My lips parted in slight shock. Although, I wasn't comepletely surprised. Harry's always the one to put an end to my verbal beatings.

"Don't be so uptight, H! Its just a joke. . . Right, Belle?" Dylan smirked at me and I gave him a blank stare.

It might be a joke to them, but it always rips a little piece of me.

"Sure. . . " I whispered to myself.. My hands were turning white, from clenching the edge of the maple, brown desk. I could already begin to feel the blood under my skin boil. Before I knew it, the bell rang. Everyone flew quickly out of their seats, bolting for the door. . . Except for him, of course.

"Go away, Monroe!" I hissed as I pushed my shoulder against his.

"Go away, Monroe," he laughed as he mocked me. His tall fit body blocked my way to the door. He pushed me back a bit.

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do? Huh? You little b***h?" he scrunched his face in arrogance, and he tightly gripped my shoulders.

My eyes fell to the tile floor. I whispered, "Leave me alone. . . Or I swear I'll. . . " My voice cracked as I stuttered, attempting to defend myself this time. He slightly smiled im amusement, I saw, peering from the corner of my eye.

"Or you'll what?" He questioned, and I kept my gaze on the dirty tile floor..and stayed silent.

"Thats right..you wont do anything! You're pathetic, you're a coward! You're too afraid to even stand up for yourself!"

I shut my eyes tight. He's right. And I knew it. Angrily, I pushed him away, and I ran out of the class room.

"That's right!! Run away, you little slut!" I heard him yell as I walked through the cramped hallway. Shoulders bumped into mine. Their feet collided into mine.

Suddenly, my head bumped into someone's hard chest. My eyes jerked up quickly.

"Whoa! Watch where your going there," he sweetly smiled at me. His eyes were filled with a small hint of guilt and I stood there, staring deeply into them. His plaid shirt perfectly fit his body. His smooth chesnut curls covering his ears.

I shook my head.. What the hell am I thinking?! Why am I even checking this guy out!?

"Sorry," I managed to whisper, but by the time I opened my eyes, he was already gone.

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