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"There's the big guy," Dean said as him and Seth were waiting for me. I walked to the car and Seth sighed, "We were supposed to be on the road already Ro," Seth said and I rolled my eyes jokingly at him. "I know Seth. Let's just get there so that I can sleep," I said and Dean yawned loudly.

"Yeah...watching the two of you bicker is making me sleepy already," He said and I chuckled before putting my bags into the trunk. Dean walked to the passenger side of the car while Seth walked to the drivers side.

We all got in and Seth was the first to say, "Strap on boys, we have a long ride ahead of us." "Well we better stop somewhere to get food...I'm starving," Dean said and I smiled at him. He's way too cute....I thought to myself as Seth drove onto the main road and started to head to the next hotel that we were going to stay at.

"Tonight was fun. May have some bruises showing up on the morning, but it was still fun," Dean said and I laughed, "Of course. You were absolutely crazy out there man."

"Hey, they don't call me a lunatic for nothing. I'm unpredictable! No one can control this beast!" Dean said as he rolled down the window to some crazy fans. "No...we can't control those crazy beasts," I corrected him as some of our fans approached the car.

"Woah, what's up guys?" Dean said as he took some pictures and passed them to us for us to sign. "I ship them so hard!" One fan shouted and we all looked out the window to see a fan with a #Ambrolleigns sign. I looked at my friends and they all stayed silent.

"Haha...that's nice man," Ambrose said, breaking the silence and passed all of the signed photos back to our fans before the light turned green. "Make sure to watch Battlegrounds this Sunday!" Dean announced loudly as we waved at our fans goodbye and Seth drove.

It grew quiet in the car and it was that kind of silence where no one actually knows what to say. I mean, what that fan said was not wrong. I do like Dean, and I do like Seth. More than just a brother, so for it to be said to me...it's nerve-wracking.

"So uh...who's hungry?" Seth asked and Dean perked up at that and said, "Can we get some fries?" He asked and Seth chuckled, "When don't we get fries?" He asked Dean and Dean shrugged, "I guess your right about that," He said with a chuckle and I smiled at the two of them.

They are both too cute for this world. "Fries! Fries! Fries!" Dean cheered as Seth pulled into a drive-thru. "I'm going to need a bathroom..." I mumbled, but Seth heard me. When he was next in line, he started to order the food for us.

"Oh and...do you guys have a bathroom?" He then asked. "Yes sir, we do," then lady said. I sighed with relief before I took my seat belt off and got out of the car to do my business.

Of course there were fans inside but before I could take pictures with them, I said, "Listen guys, I really do need to use the bathroom and get back to my friends. I can only have time for a few photos, but I really do need to get going," before I turned and walked into the bathroom and did my deed.

I did my thing before I walked back out, took a few photos with fans before I walked put of the building and hurried back to the car. "There he is," I heard Dean say through his opened window. I opened the back seat and crawled back into the car.

"Here is your well deserved meal big dog," Seth said and passed my meal back to me. "Thanks boys," I said and took my burger out. "No problem man," Dean said before he popped a fry into his mouth. "Ooh! They're crispy!" He chirped and I smiled before eating too.

"Their burgers aren't bad, " I said and Seth hummed since his mouth was currently full. "Their fries are pretty good too," Dean said and I laughed. "Dude, the only thing that you've been saying throughout this whole trip was fries," Seth joked.

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