How you met...

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Cameron- He lost his ticket for the airport but you found it in the parking lot.
Nash- You were at your siblings preschool graduation and you two sat next to eachother.
JackG- You were at a club and your ex-Boyfriend came up to you and tried touching you(Badly) but he helped you.
JackJ- You were freestyle rapping and he joined you. You two were inseparable after that. (;
Shawn- You were dated by your friends today kareoke even though you had a slight case of stage fright but you did it anyways, you got a standing applause from Shawn and a few others but he stood out to you.
Carter- You were at Magcon with your friends and you felt really bored so you went out in the hall and made vines of you guys being idiots, when carter decided to pay you a suprise visit.
Aaron- You were at school and he fell down the stairs, and you were there in a flash to help him up, just because you were up to help anyone and anything!
Hayes- You were shopping in aréopostale and he was there signing things but you were in hurry and the line was long but he threw a paper at you with his number and telling you to meet him at the park nearby. (;
Matt- He was jumping on the bench yelling something about dinosaurs, so being your weird/unique/brave self you joined him.
Taylor- You got new neighbors so your family invited them to dinner. You and Taylor a lot of things in common and one thing lead to the next. XD
Hey wuz up! This is my first story thing ever! So please don't hate and if you have any tips or ideas/requests I'll try to do them! -H
Helloooo! Like Hannah said please tell us if we've been doing well we might not updat because of classes... Ugh... school anyway c YA later! -C

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