chapter seventeen.

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Lying on her back, Lydia starred up at the ceiling. Despite the sun still being very out, Ryan's room was dark.

Ryan's back was turned to her and his breathing was steady, but some part of Lydia told her that he wasn't fully asleep. She considered checking a few times, but she didn't want to wake him up, just in case he was.

So she continued starring at the ceiling, pulling the blanket up closer to her chin. Her stomach flopped around nervously, much to her chagrin. Lydia wanted desperately to fall asleep and deal with her feelings later, but she knew that that would never be able to happen.

With a sigh, she rolled over to the side and poked Ryan gently in between the shoulders. "Yes?" he inquired sleepily, but still with some sort of clarity. She knew he wasn't asleep...

"Can we talk?" Lydia asked, knitting her eyebrows together nervously. This was her chance -- she needed to tell him.

Ryan shifted to where he could now face her, sensing the unease in her voice. Even though they had known each other for a large number of months, he still looked strange to Lydia without his glasses. "About what?"

"Uh well," she began slowly. This was now or never. "I think I might be in love with you."

Ryan just starred at her for a moment, eyes wide, what she had said registering in his brain. "What?" he asked. Not because he didn't hear her, but to give her a moment to backtrack if she so chose.

"I think I might be in love with you," Lydia said again, a small smile forming on her lips despite the anxiousness swimming in her system. Her entire body was tense as she waited for any sort of response from the man across from her.

Cupping her face in his hands, Ryan kissed Lydia with a gentle firmness. Lydia leaned into him, her hands going to the back of his head like they had done once before.

Ryan pulled away, hands still softly on her face, "I am most definitely in love with you," he told her.

With those words, every single worry in Lydia's body seeped out, leaving her in a gleeful state. She let a heavy sigh out of her nose, the warm air hitting Ryan's neck, making him laugh and shiver at the same time.

In hopes of comforting and calming her down, he moved his hands and placed them around her waist. Lydia placed her head on his chest, curling up next to him. Adrenaline was still pumping through her veins, but knowing her feelings weren't unrequited made her feel ten times better.

After they lied there for a few minutes Ryan's chin on the top of her head, Lydia shifted her neck to look up to him. As she was about to say something, Ryan placed a chaste kiss lips, causing her to blush. The woman stuttered for a second, the sudden affection catching her off guard.

It took her a moment to gather herself, Ryan smiling smugly all the while, but once she did, she made eye contact with him once again, "You're really cute," she admitted, feeling as she could say it now.

Ryan's cheeks went scarlet, but his grin never faltered. "You're unbelievably pretty," he retorted, pulling her closer.

If she was standing, Lydia would've fallen to the ground, her legs feeling like jelly. She hummed in response, and grabbed the underside of his chin, pulling his face down her level.

Lydia gingerly kissed him again, relishing in the feeling, "Did you ever actually fall asleep?" she asked once they moved away for breath.

"No," he conceded, tilting his head farther into the pillow.

"But you were so tired!" Lydia whispered loudly. Moving her hand up and down his bicep, she knitted her eyebrows together, "Don't let me keep you up."

Ryan leaned forward, lying his forehead in the crook of her shoulder. He hummed as some sort in response, but what it meant, Lydia couldn't quite tell.

Tenderly, she carded her fingers through the long strands of his hair on the crown of his head. As she continued the motion she could feel Ryan's breathing slow and any tense muscle relaxing, and hopefully, he was falling asleep.

He was probably exhausted.

Lydia reawakened in the evening, roughly 5:00pm. Checking her phone ( but careful not to disturb Ryan ), she was bombarded with texts from Kat, starting with jokey messages, then escalating into almost concern.

Lydia: Fell asleep at Ryan's after we picked them up. Sorry, I should have texted you...

Kat: This better not be becoming a habit!

Lydia: It isn't, I promise!

Kat: Okay, okay. :/

Kat: Will you be back tonight?

Lydia: I don't know... Ryan is still asleep. I don't want to wake him up.

Kat: Awwwe, that's sweet.

Kat: But like, I'd kinda like to know.

Lydia: I'll ask him when he gets up.

Lydia: He'll have to get up eventually, right?

Kat: In theory.

After reading that message, Lydia glanced down to the man cuddled up to her. He looked peaceful. He also looked like if she'd let him, he'd sleep through the night.

Sighing, she worried her bottom lip between her teeth. If she moved, he'd probably wake up, and she really didn't want to wake him ( every time they video chatted he looked so tired. Excited and happy, but still tired. He deserved a good nights sleep in his own bed ).

Deciding what to do, she carefully texted Kat back.

Lydia: I've made my decision -- I'll just stay here. I'd feel so bad if I woke him up.

Kat: Yeah, I expected that of you.

Kat: I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. :)

Lydia: See you tomorrow.

author's note!

guyyyys! it ( kinda ) happened! okay, now three things:

1). what the hell was going on with ajr stan twitter last night? like jesus, so much talk about breaking thumbs and shit. and honestly, i almost did it. oof.

2). happy easter to anyone reading this who celebrates! 🐇

3). this chapter was super fun to write, and i'm feeling motivated, so expect another chapter either tonight or early tomorrow. :)

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