chapter twelve.

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After messing around in her shared apartment for a bit to kill time, Lydia received a text from Ryan around 11:20pm, saying that he had gotten home. She then quickly gathered a few things and put on a pair of shoes. After saying goodbye to Kat, she was on her way.

The short drive would have been relaxing, if Lydia wasn't so filled with energy. She hadn't really seen Ryan in a month, so she was obviously excited. Once she parked at Ryan's complex, she gathered her items and waited for Ryan to buzz her up.

Knocking on the door, Lydia heard Shay eagerly barking on the other side. "Shhh," she heard Ryan say on the other side trying to calm down the puppy before he opened the door. "Well hey there, Lyd," he said, but before he could finish, Lydia walked into his arms, wrapping her own limbs around his chest.

Ryan just laughed gently picked her up for a moment. After he set her down he closed the door and maneuvered through the front of the apartment and down the hallway, Lydia next to him, Shay behind them. "I missed you," he said, glancing back to her as he stepped into his bedroom.

Lydia looked around the cluttered room. Ryan's suitcase was on his bed, open and overflowing. Shay jumped right next to it, jostling the bag. Sighing fondly, the pianist just patted her head.

"I missed you, too." Lydia said, softly sitting next to Shay.

Ryan just grinned, shoving his clothes back into his suitcase, zipping it up, then setting it at the door next to the rest of his bags. "Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked.

"Ah, my favorite pastime," the brunette said nodding.

Ryan grabbed his laptop from his backpack and sat down on the bed, crossing his legs. Shay smuggled against him as he scrolled through Netflix. Once the pair agreed on a movie, he shimmied back and set the laptop on his thighs so Lydia could see.

They were about halfway through the movie when Lydia glanced over to Ryan. He was visibly tired, slumped forward and struggling to stay awake.

With a fond tilt of the head, Lydia lifted the computer off of his legs and set it to the side. Wrestling with the covers for a second, she was eventually able to pull them over his body. As soon as Ryan was under the blankets, he fell asleep almost immediately. Cute, she thought.

Lydia pulled his glasses off of his face and set them on the nightstand. Though, confused on what to do, she lingered on the edge of the bed for a moment. But then, in a second of bravery, she pulled back the covers on the side of the bed that Ryan wasn't on, and lied down, careful to not kick Shay, who was resting at the foot of the bed.

The bed itself wasn't huge, so she could feel his steady breath on her collarbone. She felt her skin flush, and in that moment, exhaustion set in; she really was tired. Sleep came easy at that point, the warmth of Ryan aiding her.

It was early when commotion from outside the room woke Lydia up. Peeling her eyes open, it was still mostly dark, only the slightest bit of light coming from the rising sun.

She then became acutely aware of the fact that someone was behind her, an arm thrown lazily over her waist. Though it only took her a moment to realize that it was Ryan.

Warmth bubbled up in Lydia's chest and she gently pushed herself back into him, but the talking in the main room kept her from falling back asleep.

She turned her head around and looked over to the door, which was cracked open. The voices belonged to a man and a woman. Probably Jack and...possibly Alba?

At that point, Ryan began to stir behind her. She could feel his face scrunch up as he fought waking up, but he lost the battle. "Lyd?" he asked sleepily.

Lydia rolled over under his arm and came face to face with him. "That'd be me." she said. Ryan smiled lightly, before then feeling around on the nightstand for his glasses so he could actually see. The man sat up and looked around.

The warm glow from the sun cast a faint light on the side of Ryan's face as he grabbed his phone to check the time. 7:00am, it read.

Groaning, he set the electronic down and flopped back onto his bed. Lydia just giggled, but shoved her face into the bundle of blankets in her fists to muffle it. Ryan sent her a weak glare and rolled over to face her, "What?" he asked playfully.

"Nothing," she said, drawing out the syllables. She tapped his thigh with her knee under the blanket.

"Mhm, sure," Ryan replied, leaning closer to her face, his glasses very slightly skewed.

She inched herself toward him tentatively, not wanting to do anything to make him uncomfortable. Gently, Ryan then placed his hand on the side of her face, cupping her cheek and resting his thumb on the bone there.

Lydia's entire body heated up as she moved her own arm and set her hand low on the back of his head. Then quickly, with a burst of courage, she placed her lips on his briefly before quickly pulling away.

"Oh my god, I'm so--" she began but before she could get anything out, Ryan cut her off, kissing her firmly. Lydia's eyes went wide and she blinked, before shutting them completely.

Tilting her head, Lyida pushed forward deepen the kiss, moving her hand up higher on his head where the longer strands began. Her nails unwittingly dragged against Ryan's scalp, and he made a small sound, surprising Lydia.

This continued for another moment, Lydia's other hand pushing against his shoulder, her stomach twisting blissfully, before they had to separate, both needing air.

Lydia let out a breathy laugh and settled her head in the soft area between Ryan's shoulder and jaw, hunching her own shoulders forward. And before she knew it, she was falling back asleep.

author's note!


it happened. :)

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