chapter eleven.

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Scrubbing her hands together, Lydia rocked back and forth on her heels; the show was slated to start soon. The chatter of the audience was loud, but she expected nothing less. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed her phone and quickly texted Ryan, wishing him luck.

Lydia: Break a leg! I'm super proud of you and excited to see the show.

After clicking send, Lydia shoved the device back and leaned her hip slightly on the front of the stage, as this venue had no barricade. Looking around, there were a few guards up at the front as well, one being almost right next to her.

Glancing over to Kat, who was on her own phone, she was about to strike up a conversation to pass the time, but then the lights quickly dimmed, leaving the room practically pitch black. The crowd began to cheer and Kat swiftly put her phone away.

Bright lights around the stage turned on and an almost fanciful tune began to play. Then suddenly, the massive video screen turned on, revealing a dream like scene filled with clouds and instruments. The beginning of 'Next Up Forever' commenced, before the screen began to glitch and then the lights shut off.

The entire crowd gasped and some large text appeared on the screen saying, "Error." It continued like that for a moment, more text explaining that this was, in fact, part of the show, and that the band wouldn't come on for at least another fourty-five minutes.

Then, "Actually fuck it, let's start." and 'Next Up Forever' continued, the screen flashing black and white. The band ran out to each of their respective instruments and the audience screamed.

"I'm kinda scared to drop this album," Jack sang, running, jumping, and dancing around the entire stage, clearly having an abundance of energy, "Let's push it back another week!"

The rest of the show was absolutely electric, each song holding even more intensity then the last. Though she was glad to be so close to the stage, Lydia was sure her ears would never be the same.

While 'Birthday Party', 'The Entertainment's Here', 'Break My Face', and 'Come Hang Out', were upbeat and made her want to dance, she may or may not have teared up durning the 'Turning Out' mashup, 'Karma', and 'Dear Winter'.

The trumpet medley, finale, and many other parts took her breath away. The show itself was nothing like she was expecting, and she was happy for that. The fans were clearly enamored and engaged, as it sounded like the majority knew every single lyric ( as much as she'd like to be, Lydia wasn't one of those people ).

"You look really familiar," Jack said, pointing her ( and many others ) out in between 'Weak' and 'Karma'. He then looked over to Ryan, who was fidgeting around with his microphone. "Doesn't she look familiar?"

"Uhh," Ryan began, leaning forward, his face flushed, though that very well could have been from extortion that came with performing. Out of the corner of her eye, Lydia could see Adam smile and shake his head fondly

In hopes of hurrying up his exchange, Lyida spoke, "I was at dodgeball!" she said, projecting her voice to reach the stage.

Ryan nodded, clearly accepting this answer, but Jack leaned down and squinted at her, "Okay..." he said in fake suspicion. The audience laughed and he moved to the next person.

The rest of the concert continued without an issue, each song going off without a hitch. And by the time the finale happened and the credits were rolling on the video screen, Lydia was breathless.

Shuffling out of the crowded auditorium, Lydia scrolled through her gallery to check out the few pictures she took. One during 'Finale', JJ near the end of the trumpet medley, Ryan during the Turning Outs...

"That was really cool," Kat then said, startling Lydia. The latter looked up from her phone and over to her friend.

"I told you that you'd enjoy yourself," the brunette laughed.

Kat shrugged before putting her hands into her pockets. "Hmmm," she hummed, "I suppose."

Giggling lightly, Lydia looked back to her phone, continuing to slowly walk out of the venue with the rest of the crowd. It took many minutes for the pair to finally make it outside and possibly even longer to find the car, but once they did, Lydia sighed in relief. Sitting down in the passenger seat, she was glad to finally get off of her feet.

During the drive, Lydia looked out of the window, the New York lights reflecting off of the glass. She listened to Kat hum along to the radio, but a buzz from her pocket broke the relative silence.

Ryan: well, i hope it lived up to your expectations? :)

Smiling, Lydia texted him back.

Lydia: Absolutely. It was amazing.

Lydia: I'm just sad that I won't be able to see you before you leave again tomorrow.

For a few minutes, Ryan's typing bubble would appear, then disappear, then do it all over again. But eventually, he messaged back.

Ryan: you could come over?

Ryan: only if you want too. obviously.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Lydia's chest buzzed and her face heated up. Excitement welled up inside her.

Lydia: Yeah, I'd like that.

Lydia: When will you get back?

Ryan: probably not before eleven. :( but i'll text you when i get home so you'll know?

Lydia: Okay. :) See you soon.

Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Lydia set her phone down in her lap. "What?" Kat asked, pulling into the parking lot.

Grabbing her things and stepping out of the parked car to hide the grin on her face, she swung her bag over her shoulder, "Uh, I'm gonna go to Ryan's later. So I can see him before he has to leave tomorrow..."

Nodding, Kat opened the door to the apartment complex and the duo walked inside the building. The girl with the glasses wiggled her eyebrows and Lydia covered her eyes, "Stop," she pleaded.

"Mm, fine." Kat said, pressing the elevator button.

author's note!

the cool thing is that the video of the neotheater tour i watched was the new york show ( aka the one that this chapter is supposed to be), so that's neat. also, i'll probably post another chapter tonight.

anyways, likes and comments are always appreciated. :)

turning out [ ryan metzger ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang