chapter ten.

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Ryan: we've landed. :)

Lydia: Oh wonderful, now can you explain to me what you meant by 'I hope you like dodgeball'?

Ryan: someone's pushy.

Ryan: but yes. it's part of the vip package.

Lydia: VIP package?

Ryan: for the show?

And that's when it clicked in Lydia's mind -- VIP tickets to the concert. She had told Ryan that she'd try to get tickets, but no promises. But apparently Ryan took the initiative and bought her tickets himself. Well, he didn't really need to buy them, did he?

Lydia: You didn't have to do that.

Ryan: but i wanted too. you don't need to use them, of course, but i thought it'd be fun.

Lydia: Is there a way I can pay you back? When is the show?

Ryan: we can figure that out later. :) and it's october 10th at 7, so still a bit away. you can bring kat, too.

Lydia: I guess I'll see you on October 10th. :)

Lydia: And I will find a way to pay you back.

After setting her phone down, Lydia shook her head. Really though, what did she expect? Although, once all of her shock and surprise fizzled away, she was quite excited. Just hearing Ryan describe it made it sound amazing.

Standing up, she walked over to Kat's room, grabbing the lanyards on the way, knocking on the door to tell her about their new October plans.

"Come in!" Kat called, hearing the knock. She was sitting at her desk, phone in one hand pencil in the other. "What's up?" she asked Lydia when the brunette opened the door.

"You don't have any plans for the 10th of October, do you?" Lydia asked cryptically.

"Um, no?" Kat responded, setting her pencil down and swiveling in her chair.

"Good, because you do now." Lydia answered, holding the blue lanyards up for Kat to see.

"Still don't get it," the girl with glasses said.

Lydia rolled her eyes and passed one of the laments to Kat, keeping one in her own hand. "We're going to an AJR concert at Radio City Music Hall."

Kat looked over the item in her hand, "Oh my god, Lydia, these must've been so fucking expensive." she said, VIP catching her eye, "I know you are in love with Ryan and you'd totally do anything for him, but how did you afford these?"

A bright blush was brought to Lydia's cheeks and she scoffed, "Number one, I am not in love with him," the brunette said firmly, but her blush was diluting her point, "And number two, he gave them to me. But, I'm going to pay him back...somehow."

If Kat's eyes could have gotten any wider, they would have. But she quickly recovered and shook her head incredulously, "You've both got it bad," she mumbled, but Lydia was already walking away, not hearing what her roommate said.

The next few weeks slowly came and went, Lydia's days going by as normal, spending time with Kat and doing her assignments. She even hung out with Emily and Alba from time to time.

Ryan did in fact keep his promise and he and Lydia talked as often as they could, but he was on tour and had shows almost every night ( and time zones were complicated ), so it was slightly difficult.

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