Chapter 6

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When I come too, I'm hooked up to a bunch of things. I am still in my room and it seems morning has arrived.

"Sleeping beauty is up!!" Someone is singing in the room.

"Louis- I think you killed her eardrum," A girl's voice is heard. I blink a few times so everything can come into focus. Louis is sat in a chair staring at me, a cereal bowl in his hand, munching away, while a thin and very pretty girl is stood at the doorway watching us.

"Harry will be glad to hear you're finally up... How are you feeling? Louis press the button so Eleanor would know to come," She orders him. She has a sweet voice.

"Did I die?" I mumble "You're funny Alexa.. Who knew... You fainted and they did a bunch of test since they couldn't get you to wake up-"

"That will be all Louis, Emma, darling, why don't you two come back later... Give Alexa some space?" Eleanor appears at the door.

"Come on Louis, Let's see if Liam is done with his shift- maybe he'll be up for a game of set," She offers. Louis puts down his bowl on the side table and gets up.

"Spencer was asking about you by the way, said something about you promising him a card game.. Telling you know- you'll lose all your money to that one," He smirks and then hopes out after Emma.

"How are you love?" Eleanor starts checking my vitals.

"What happened? Why did I pass out?" I ask her.

She helps me up and offers me a cup. I take it and sip. I feel weak and confused and wish my mum was with me.

"I think it was all the running around yesterday that overdid it," She smiles. However, her eyes don't meet mine, so I'm reluctant to believe her. "Come, I'll help you take a shower, I see Harry got you some clean clothes and then Dr. Horan will be in to see you," She says brightly.

I agree since the faster I get this shower over with the faster I'll know what is going on. She helps me up and to the bathroom, disconnecting me from my IV poll. She helps me undress and sits me on a chair. "Emma brought over some of her shampoo and conditioner- IT's this organic company she has it made specifically the way she wants- she even got to pick the smell, she reckon you'd enjoy it," Eleanor gives me to smell the bottle.

"That was very thoughtful of her," I remark.

"When you're here long enough everyone becomes family," Eleanor shampoos my hair.

"How long has she been here?" I ask, knowing that asking what kind of sickness she has won't be answered.

"She's been here for almost 3 months.. So is Louis, go here about the same time.. There is also Luke and Ashton, you'll get to meet them soon enough- those are all the kids about your age," She shares.

"Who is Liam Emma mentioned then?"

"Oh.. Liam is one of the guys in security.. With Harry, He often plays card games with them or the playstation," She lets out a soft laugh.

"Does Harry play with them as well?" I question, trying to get as much information as I can about the dynamics of this place. "No.. not Harry... Actually, he hasn't spent any time on this floor other than security checks.. That was until you showed up," She holds up the towel for me. After wrapping it around me, she wraps another one around my hair.

"The only reason Harry was here was because my Mum gave him my phone, asking him to give it back to me once I get out of surgery," I explain. Eleanor doesn't reply, so I keep quiet. I don't peek down at my bandages, not wanting to see them. Instead I let Eleanor help me dress.

"These are mine," I claim when I look at the hoodie that was pulled over my head. The sweatpants as well.

"Yes, Your Mum has sent a bunch of things over in a cab, Harry brought it in early this morning," She explains. Over my Hoodie, Eleanor puts Harry's which I still have.

"You'll be chilly with that wet hair, might as well try and stay warm," She says.

Once back in my room, there is breakfast waiting for me. Soft foods to make it easy on my stomach. I eye the food, hungry, but too scared to eat- scared I'll be ill again.

"Eat slowly, whatever you manage," Eleanor offers. I nod and pick up my fork.

About 10 minutes later Dr. Horan comes in, followed by Nurse Perrie.

"You gave everyone quite the fright you did," He chuckles. "Didn't mean to," I mumble.

"Never seen Harry so worked up over a patient before," Perrie ads. "Yes, that was something," The doctor agrees. "Well Alexa.. Your appendix pathology came back," He starts.

"Oh no.." I see the look in his eyes and I feel the anxiety build in my chest.

"No- I don't want you to worry.. I spoke to your mum earlier.. Look, we found a small tumor in the appendix- we believe it was all taken out.. But after you fainted last night we have decided to do some more tests just to be sure, I don't want you to worry though- I really don't believe we will find anything," He tries to assure me, however he can tell he is not doing such a good job.

"What if you do find something? Do I need to go through another surgery? Will I need treatment?" I question. Perrie sits by my side, putting a reassuring arm around my shoulders.

"If we find something then we'll talk about our next steps- But I really do believe we won't," He says. I nod, wiping my tears away. I'm so crazy emotional lately I can't even stand myself.

"There is nothing to worry about darling, we are all here with you, we are going through this together," Perrie assure me.

"Dr. Horan?" I look up at him. "Please, Call me Niall," He smiles.

"Niall... can my mum come?" My voice breaks then, so I let out a cough to hide it. "I'm afraid no sweetheart... It's too dangerous to let anyone from the outside in these days, but as Perrie said, we are all here for you, and you have your phone- your mum is only a phone call away," He promises.

"Does this make me a cancer patient now?"

"It makes you a cancer survivor- we got it all, now we are just making sure we haven't missed anything."

"If you need anything love, I'm at the station," Perrie says softly. They leave me then, and I let the tears I was still able to hold back flow.

Never in a million years would I have thought I'd need to go through something like this alone.

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