Reunions Are Not Always Happy

Start from the beginning

After their long bath, the two wrapped themselves in towels and laid in bed. Kennedy rested her head on Giles's chest. Giles wrapped an arm around her, running his hand through her hair. Kennedy was the first to fall asleep.

When Giles woke the next day he found himself alone in bed. His eyes fell on the door when he heard laughter on the other side. His clothes were dry when he retrieved them from the bathroom, which he was thankful for. Reaching Kennedy's living room he saw Buffy, Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya.

"I hope you don't mind I called them over. I wanted to meet the new additions." Kennedy came up beside him handing Giles a cup of coffee. He looked her up and down quickly. Kennedy was in an oversized button-up shirt that looked all to familiar "It's your shirt that was left when you were staying at my place while your place was being fumigated. And I have shorts on don't worry. It's just because they're really short and your shirt is big because you are built differently. Not to mention you're much taller than I am."

"Thanks." Still trying to register all that was going on.

Sitting on the couch Kennedy turned sideways a little to look at Giles, "Why didn't you tell me you guys blew up the high school?"

"Slipped my mind I guess." Making his way over to them.

Moving over as she glared at him, "I can't believe you forgot to tell me something so cool."

"Next time I blow up a school I will remember to tell you." Sitting next to her.

Taking a gulp of her drink, "Hell I'm planning on being there."

"How are things with your sister and the baby?" Tara asked.

Setting her half-empty drink down, "Very well thank you. Lucy ended up getting really sick after giving birth and Ruby, the baby, was super tiny. But after some time everything was ok. And Ruby is doing excellent for being born really early and all."

A few hours passed before everyone ended up leaving. Kennedy was happy to see them all again, but happier they were gone. Giles was in the living room picking up the mess that was left behind.

"You're not mad I invited them all over are you?" Helping Giles.

Heading for the kitchen, "Why would I be?"

"Just curious is all. What do you want to do now?" Kennedy asked as the placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

Turning to her, "I'm not sure. What were you thinking?"

"Let's go have some lunch. I am quite hungry." Placing her hands behind her back.

Leaning against the counter, "I would figure you would be tired after your trip."

"Is this your way of trying to get me back in bed?" Kennedy moved closer to Giles.

Giles' ears flushed, "Oh no, I...I was just saying because the flight is so long."

"G relax, I know what you meant. You're just so cute when you're flustered." Giving him a kiss before heading to her room.

Kennedy and Giles spent every second they could together. Giles had stayed over every night at Kennedy's since she returned. He had gone over to his place to go get some more clothes when he returned he spotted Kennedy leaving her house.

Watching her climb in her car she sped off. Curious to where Kennedy was heading Giles followed her. He ended up following her to the next town over. She pulled into a cemetery and drove almost to the very back of the place.

Giles had parked the car just outside the cemetery hoping she hadn't seen him. Getting out of the car he went to find Kennedy. He found her standing in front of a tombstone. Next thing he knew she fell to her knees, sobbing so hard she could barely breathe. After a few moments, he couldn't stand seeing her like that.

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