Sophie gaped. She knew Biana was always makeover-ready but she didn't expect that she was this ready. "You... hide your elixirs in the void?"

"There's no rule that forbids it," she said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "This is just part of being a girl."

"Thanks for pointing out I'm not a girl," Sophie mumbled as she randomly chose an elixir from Biana's hand. Biana then drank one for herself and returned the rest of her elixirs in her bag.

After a few seconds, Sophie's hair tamed and created some subtle curls at the tip. It also added some light pink highlights in her hair- just a little, which Sophie surprisingly didn't hate. Afterall, highlights are a whole lot better than a wild hairstyle.

"Better," Biana commented as she dragged Sophie towards the cafeteria.


"Woah!" Dex exclaimed. "What's the occassion?"

"Woah is definitely the right word!" Biana commented, sitting at the table together with the rest of the group. "But, that word would've been better if you saw her hair before."

"Let me guess," Keefe spoke, acting like he's thinking really hard. "It looked like Iggy's new chew toy."

"It was probably not that bad... I think." Dex reluctantly replied.

"Because it's worse," Sophie and Biana spoke at the same time who both ended up sighing at the memory.

"But, seeing Foster in this hairstyle... I think we should make this day a national holiday." Sophie had to shake her head knowing Keefe can actually do that if he and Dex hacked the system.

Voila, a new holiday made for the strange brown-eyed elf.

Signed by the one and only Keefe Sencen in red ink.

"So!" Dex said, catching their attention. "What happened this time?

"Well," Sophie started, inhaling as she process her thoughts. "For starters, if Keefe didn't chase me this morning, I wouldn't have to be late for my morning session. Second, because of that, I was tasked to safely catch lightning, and as you can see- wait, actually you can't because I fixed it already. Anyways, yeah, it went... great!."

Keefe was laughing hysterically despite Sophie's obvious stink eye towards his direction. Fitz, however, just remembered this morning's incident thanks to Sophie's explanation.

"Right," Fitz spoke. "Why were you two running earlier this morning?"

The rest of the group had stopped eating to listen in. If it involved the two of them, it was most likely interesting- in more ways than one.

Keefe lazily placed one arm around Fitz's shoulders, pointing a spoon at Sophie's direction. "I don't think she wants us to know so instead, I shall deliver the news."

"Sophie, We'll just ask you." Tam commented, earning a slight chuckle from Linh.

"You're such a-"

"You know what, I want to hear whatever it is. Right now. All the juicy bits. I don't care who explains, just give me the news!" Biana emphasized every word, making sure everyone knows she's getting curious.

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now