Chapter 24 - Apology

Start from the beginning

Nash and his mother had dreamed of the day they'd be free of her tyranny. It had started off as hushed conversations under the stars in his bedroom, but with time, it evolved into a plan to get rid of Rayn once and for all.

Rayn had made their lives miserable, but it was nothing compared to the destruction she had carried out in the realm. She had been a master at covering her tracks. It had taken the help of Livh's contact at ECISI to expose her.

Livh and Nash had barely had time to enjoy their freedom together.

Rayn shouldn't have been able to come back, but she did. She went straight to her cold, dark apartment as if she had never left. Livh and Nash had cleared out everything that could remind them of her, but it hadn't mattered. She didn't need any of her possessions, not in her new form. She hadn't left them alone since.

Perhaps that was Rayn's revenge. She never could tolerate disloyalty or disobedience.

Nash sighed. If Lyrani hated him, he deserved it. All the same, he had to try to convince her not to despise him.

He owed Lyrani an apology at the very least and an explanation if he could muster it. He took the piece of parchment from his pocket and skimmed over his writing.

Lovely Lyrani

I know words can't ameliorate what happened today, but I'm asking you for another chance. There is more to me than you know and more going on than you can imagine.

Can you meet me at the pond tomorrow at midday? I need to talk to you.


The corners of Nash's mouth lifted at the thought of Lyrani. She made him smile.

In a room full of his guests, he'd search for her. She spoke to him like he was a person, like he mattered. She didn't look at him with fear and hatred, but as an equal, perhaps a friend.

When Nash was with Lyrani, he felt a warmth in the core of his being. It wasn't a feeling he was familiar with, but he could put a name to it.


Lyrani was the one.

If anyone could help him, it was her, but only if he reached out.

Rayn's icy fingers dug into Nash's consciousness. He trembled.

No one can help you, little Nash. Nobody would even want to, she said. You can't escape me.

That's not true.

With Nash's erratic behaviour and the headaches that made him shun all company, he had pushed everyone away. Despite that, he knew he wasn't completely alone, not since he had caught a beautiful shadow in his bedroom. That was if he hadn't ruined everything between them.

Pain flared bright behind his eyes, bringing him to his knees. Stop it.

Rayn pressed harder.

Just when Nash thought he couldn't take it anymore, that he'd succumb to the pain and the darkness, she let go, receding to some place in his mind where he couldn't feel her even though he knew she was there.

"Nash?" Lyrani stood in the apartment's doorway, her arms crossed over her chest.

She wore a long white nightgown. It fluttered about her legs in the gentle night breeze. Her eyes were guarded, as they should be, but at least she wasn't chasing Nash away. Perhaps she would be willing to hear him out.

Nash studied Lyrani's face and her exposed hands for any cuts or scratches, but her skin was unmarred. Still, that didn't mean he hadn't hurt her this afternoon.

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